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From Fuzzy to Focused
How to Interpret & Translate Customer Insights into Innovative New Products

September 26-28, 2005 / Boston, MA


By participating in this program, you will learn about:

  • New methods, tools and technologies to gather Voice of the Customer data more swiftly and cost effectively

  • Bank of America’s deployment of VOC methods and tools to plan and execute its highly successful merger with FleetBoston Financial

  • Motorola’s Early Stage Accelerator Team’s successful application of VOC and DFSS and its resultant impact on improved product success rates

  • Practical tips for integrating Six Sigma and VOC – when and how to get started and key strategies for gaining cross-functional support

  • Critical steps for successfully implementing your VOC program globally

  • Sprint’s use of customer insights to transform its retail venues into unique, compelling and lasting brand experiences for its customers

  • The value of creating and engaging user innovation communities and effective strategies to integrate user developed innovations into standard product offerings

  • How to use VOC research to drive portfolio management and innovation decisions – ensure that customer value is top of mind throughout the development process

  • Models to ensure that customer insights are validated and effectively translated into actionable product requirements

  • How Dunkin Brands extensive consumer research efforts enabled them to create a set of products that not only met customer taste requirements, but also added great depth to its brand identity and exceeded financial projections

  • How to determine whether quantitative or qualitative (how much of each) VOC methods and tools are more appropriate for decision making in your company

  • Pitney Bowes’ successful combination of observational consumer research techniques with iterative prototyping to identify and validate unvoiced customer needs

  • Marriott International Inc.’s successful creation of a guest based blueprint for each of its brands by gathering consumer insights from multiple venues and effectively translating those insights into new product and service innovations

Available Mon-Fri 
9:30am-5pm est

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Who Should Attend

Vice Presidents, Directors and Managers of: Product Development, Engineering, Marketing and Sales as well as Senior Managers of Customer Strategy Implementation and Product Managers, Program Managers and Project Managers involved in product definition. 

Given the critical cross-functional nature of this topic, this program is an excellent opportunity for marketing and engineering managers to attend together.

Team Discounts are available.