Across the Enterprise
Dr. Eliyahu M.
author, The Goal, It’s Not Luck and Critical Chain,
introduced by Sanjeev Gupta, CEO, Speed to Market
"one of the
biggest problems…is that most people don’t see the company as a
whole. They see fragments. Because of this, you get localized
optimums, many wrong decisions, and much miscommunication."
-- Eli Goldratt, interviewed
in Product Development Best Practices Report
his highly logical, mince-no-words style, Dr. Goldratt will lead you
to see the big picture and discover how everything ties together. He
will identify and help you remedy the true, core problem of complex
Through a combination of
scientific explanation, extemporaneous discussion, and Q&A, Dr.
Goldratt will expose the common mistakes that occur in a
multi-project environment, and teach you how to recognize and
correct them before they occur.
You will learn how to
synchronize projects, resources and timetables across the extended
enterprise. You will find out what to measure, why to measure, how
to measure, and the results of measuring.
You will find out how to use
simple control mechanisms to dramatically shorten lead times, reduce
cycle times and increase profitability. |