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Register Now Maximizing Product Development Speed and Throughput
Background & Purpose Agenda Pre-Conference Workshops Fees & Logistics How to Register
Dr. Eli GoldrattGoldratt Keynote
TOC Across the Enterprise

Keynote Sponsor - Speed to Market

Case Studies
Abbott Labs
The Bell Group
Seagate Technology

Working Sessions
1. Multi-Project
    Management -
    Rizzo Bead
2. Critical Chain -
    Single Project
Issues & Obstacles
4. TOC Measurement
    Systems for ROI

1. Implementing the
    TOC Multi-Project
Solving the

Goldratt Interview
Idiot's Guide to TOC

Conference Info
Who Should Attend
Large Group Offers
Special Features
Lunch with Experts
Sponsorship & Exhibits
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Sponsored bySpeed to Market

Lunch With The Experts

A special opportunity to learn about different implementation experiences from industry experts.

1. How to leverage the power of TOC for very large scale collaboration

Dr. Shailesh Sood, Director, Speed to Market

TOC for Project Management is more than just a neat scheduling and prioritization technique- it is the missing link in enabling true collaboration in the today's Networked Enterprise. Virtual team environments-characterized by distributed management and decision making-can exploit this facet of TOC.

2. TOC based metrics for product development

Dr. Ajai Kapoor, VP of Product Management, Speed to Market

Excellence in product development depends upon on seamless collaboration among team members, and metrics based on individual performance are counterproductive. At the same time, knowledge workers have a high sense of individuality and want to know how they are individually contributing to overall goals. How does one reconcile these conflicting requirements? Presenter will address this issue in a TOC framework.

3. Implementing Critical Chain – Managing Uncertainty

Bill Lynch, President and COO of ProChain Solutions

How do you successfully implement a broad change like Critical Chain in an organization? A big part is being able to deal with the uncertainty inherent in paradigm shifts as well as being able to plan, set priorities, and execute the implementation effectively. This discussion will focus on the integration of concepts, tools, processes and people as the key to success.

4. Critical Chain - a Key Component in a High Performance Workplace

Roger Meade, CEO, Scitor Corporation

Roger Meade, CEO of Scitor Corporation, will discuss the positive effects of implementing Critical Chain methods in the workplace. By making friends with uncertainty and changing the way people are measured, you will discover the dual benefits of faster time-to-market and greatly improved team morale.  Roger will relate how Critical Chain concepts had a dramatic effect on product development times at Scitor and how the concepts enhanced Scitor's high performance workplace (recognized by Fortune Magazine as one of the "Top 100 Companies to Work For").

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