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Register Now Maximizing Product Development Speed and Throughput
Background & Purpose Agenda Pre-Conference Workshops Fees & Logistics How to Register
Dr. Eli GoldrattGoldratt Keynote
TOC Across the Enterprise

Keynote Sponsor - Speed to Market

Case Studies
Abbott Labs
The Bell Group
Seagate Technology

Working Sessions
1. Multi-Project
    Management -
    Rizzo Bead
2. Critical Chain -
    Single Project
Issues & Obstacles
4. TOC Measurement
    Systems for ROI

1. Implementing the
    TOC Multi-Project
Solving the

Goldratt Interview
Idiot's Guide to TOC

Conference Info
Who Should Attend
Large Group Offers
Special Features
Lunch with Experts
Sponsorship & Exhibits
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Register Now

Sponsored bySpeed to Market


The pressure to generate more products, more revenue, and faster response is out of control. If you’re multi-tasking, juggling priorities, and racing against the clock now, look out -- it will only get worse. Resources are shrinking, the supply chain is growing, and there are no days off in the new economy.

Unless you completely rethink the way you do things.

A number of pioneering companies have done just that – by using Theory of Constraints-based approaches, they have reversed this cycle and seen throughput and profits soar.

Management Roundtable will bring together leading TOC experts, including the renowned Dr. Eli Goldratt (author of The Goal and Critical Chain), and product development executives to discuss how. Through case studies, in-depth interactive discussion, hands-on exercises, metrics, and demonstration of tools, Maximizing Product Development Speed and Throughput will show you how to break through the constraints and unproductive behavior hindering your organization.

Building on our earlier conference, Applying Constraints Management to Product Development, this program will once again feature Dr. Goldratt leading a half-day discussion of Theory of Constraints in a systemic, enterprise-wide context. Once again, Dr. Goldratt will be available throughout the conference for informal discussion, and he will lead a closing Q&A session as well.

New case studies from advanced practitioners (Abbott Labs, The Bell Group, Guidant Corporation, Seagate, and Synergis Technologies), will describe specifically how to achieve astounding bottom-line improvements. Facilitated working sessions, led by foremost TOC and product development experts, on 1. Multi-project Management, 2. Critical Chain (Single Project Management), 3. Implementation Issues and Obstacles and 4. TOC Measurements for ROI will give you a running head-start toward your own organization’s stellar results and profitability.

Finally, two pre-conference workshops, "The TOC Multi-Project Management Method," led by well-known TOC and product development expert, Tony Rizzo who pioneered this approach at Lucent Technologies, and "Solving the Measurement Nightmare" led by Debra Smith, partner, Constraints Management Group, author of The Measurement Nightmare, will offer even more hands-on guidance

Who should attend? | Deliverables | Special Features

Read about our April 2000 Conference, "Applying Constraints Management to Product Development"

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