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Dr. Eli GoldrattGoldratt Keynote
TOC Across the Enterprise

Keynote Sponsor - Speed to Market

Case Studies
Abbott Labs
The Bell Group
Seagate Technology

Working Sessions
1. Multi-Project
    Management -
    Rizzo Bead
2. Critical Chain -
    Single Project
Issues & Obstacles
4. TOC Measurement
    Systems for ROI

1. Implementing the
    TOC Multi-Project
Solving the

Goldratt Interview
Idiot's Guide to TOC

Conference Info
Who Should Attend
Large Group Offers
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Lunch with Experts
Sponsorship & Exhibits
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Sponsored bySpeed to Market

Working Session 4

TOC Measurement Systems for ROI

Facilitator: Debra Smith, Constraints Management Group

There are five key objectives measured in every business organization; sales growth, cost reduction, on time performance, inventory reduction and quality improvement. Each of these performance indicators are on every balanced scorecard measurement and are considered the basic cornerstone to improving a company’s return on investment. Together with standard cost accounting measures, they are the backbone of traditional financial analysis and drive corporate strategies, policies and work practices.

This working session will provide participants with the practical ability to understand and explain the flawed assumptions underlying the current management and measurement techniques employed around the five key objectives and standard costing. Using the Theory of Constraints, we will build the basic logic to align the key objectives with the current reality of a company and align strategies, policies and work practices with return on investment.

This session is designed for any manager with or without formal finance training

Each concurrent working session is designed to be highly interactive and participatory. Each group will be limited in size to ensure individualized attention and problem-solving. Choose one to attend; materials and highlights from all will be shared.

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