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networking.GIF (24331 bytes)Key Benefits

By participating in this conference, you will learn:

  • How to avoid metrics overload and paralysis; how to select and implement an effective but manageable set of metrics for your organization's unique needs
  • How to determine the right mix and number of projects in your portfolio – and stay focused on those projects that yield the highest return
  • How National Semiconductor transformed its R&D metrics from reactionary based to a balance of output (results) and process (predictive) metrics
  • The differences in scoring models and selection criteria for technology projects versus product projects
  • How to measure hard-to-quantify variables including the value of R&D investments, intellectual property and product concepts

"The...metrics conference provided the intellectual capitalist in all of us the opportunity to learn, ask, and network with a variety of corporations. This program was well worth it."
Ed Laben, Harley-Davidson

  • How 3M implemented a systematic analysis of new business-to-business offerings to develop metrics for screening and prioritizing opportunities and managing their realization
  • How to use metrics to manage dispersed teams, partners and suppliers - what works, what doesn't
  • How Medrad simplified its collection and review of metrics data - enabling early problem detection and efficient resource allocation adjustments
  • How to measure and boost return on R&D investments
  • How CNH Global coupled proactive and predictive metrics with risk management methodology to provide real-time decision making guidance at all organizational levels
  • How to use metrics to move your organization along the path to higher levels of PD maturity
  • How to make sure your metrics have unambiguous operational definitions that result in either control or strategic improvement
  • How to use metrics to make real-time, agile decisions
  • How to take corrective action to improve your current metrics program - troubleshooting strategies and organizational change approaches
  • About a 9-step process for creating and implementing a strategic scorecard to link organizational strategy to the actions required for successful implementation
  • How Eli Lilly transformed its cyclic portfolio review process to a real-time process to ensure efficient and effective resource allocation
  • About Rogers Corporation's successful implementation of a toll-gate/concurrent product development process, portfolio review analysis and R&D process metrics to enable rapid new product development
  • How to implement practical metrics – to effectively allocate and/or re-deploy resources

Publication Sponsor:Sloan Management Review


Affiliate Organization:PMI Registered Education Provider

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Tuesday, October 29


Meet the speakers and your colleagues from other organizations at informal discussions over beer, wine and appetizers. This is an excellent opportunity to ask more questions, find out how others are progressing with their metrics initiatives, find out what works (what has not) and make valuable new connections.

Wednesday, October 30


Les Stewart, Medrad & Wayne Mackey, Product Development Consulting, Inc.

Join Les and Wayne for an extended Q&A to follow-up their case presentation on Medrad's implementation process of predictive metrics.  An opportunity to ask candid questions and delve further into problem issues and lessons learned with the facilitators as well as with those who attend the discussion group.

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