In a climate where resources are
increasingly scarce and the pressure to make financial gains
quickly continues to escalate, knowing what projects to invest
in and which projects to cut is vital. More and more
organizations are emphasizing portfolio analysis and performance
measurement techniques to ensure that they are able to select
the right number and mix of projects for maximum short and
long-term value. If your organization is like most, you
undoubtedly struggle to create and implement a streamlined set
of metrics that can drive the organization towards strategic
objectives without causing confusion or wasted efforts.
Management Roundtable’s 7th Annual conference on
Metrics for Portfolio and Resource Management: Driving
Priorities, Achieving Results, to be held
October 28 - 30, 2002 in Chicago, Illinois will bring together
leading industry experts and advanced practitioners to help you:
- Successfully define, implement and USE a set of key
metrics to drive portfolio and resource management decisions
- Effectively balance the product portfolio to give you
enough products to meet short-term financial goals without
compromising long term product strategy
- Implement practical resource management metrics – to
effectively allocate and/or re-deploy resources
- Take advantage of real-time metrics data to enable quick
data analysis and swift decision-making