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Attend this event as part of MRT's:
NPD Best Practices VIP Series

Controlling the Risks of New Product Development

Why this conference is important to you

Product development has always been risky business – and surprise curveballs have forever been thrown at projects. While most managers take risk into account when planning, what do you do when uncertainty, complexity, and volatility are at an all-time high?

Do you play it "safe?" And how safe is that if you miss the next big thing?

The question isn’t simple. For each product idea you need to decide if it is worth exploring a new market, investing in a new technology, or just making incremental improvements. And if and when you do decide to "go for it," you need to build in cushions and contingency plans.

Management Roundtable’s upcoming conference, Controlling the Risks of New Product Development, to be held April 15-17, 2002 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, brings together the foremost experts and practitioners in NPD/ R&D risk management to help you:

  • Determine how much risk to take (when does the potential upside outweigh the downside?)
  • Ensure that market, technical, project, and regulatory factors are taken into account together – for much sounder risk-proofing
  • Fortify your projects against the most significant risks
  • Take action when you encounter an unforeseen threat or risk

By Participating, you will come away with:

  1. A practical, usable risk model
  2. Decision-making approaches for cross-functional teams
  3. Specific methods for predicting, quantifying, and proactively managing risks
  4. New financial analysis techniques and metrics specifically for R&D
  5. A range of options to consider depending on the situation and timing of the risk

You will leave with knowledge of how others at advanced companies like Tellabs, Becton Dickinson, Ford Motor Company, MDS Sciex, Dade Behring, Ashland Chemical, Battelle Healthcare Products and others have implemented risk management methods. You will also receive expert-led, hands-on experience with different approaches.

Most importantly, you will learn to handle the uneven terrain of new product development -- enabling more calculated risks and more certain rewards.

Supporting Organization:
Publication Sponsor:

Sloan Management Review

Online Registration Form

Key Benefits
Case Studies
Pre-Conference Workshops
Hands-On Application Sessions
Hands-On Application Sessions
Fees, Hotel and Travel Logistics
How To Register
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities
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Risky Business Contest


Conference participants receive:

A FREE copy of Proactive Risk Management: Controlling Uncertainty in Product Development, the new book by Preston Smith and Guy Merritt! [Sample Chapter]

- PLUS -

Sloan Management ReviewComplimenatry one-year subscription to the MIT Sloan Management Review

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