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Attend this event as part of MRT's:
NPD Best Practices VIP Series

Controlling the Risks of New Product Development
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Monday - April 15

Pre-conference Workshops

7:30–8:30 Continental Breakfast & Registration
8:30–12:00 AM Half-Day Workshop
Predictive Risk Management: How to Manage Market and Performance Risks

Instructor: Wayne Mackey, Product Development Consulting, Inc.
8:30–12:00 AM Half-Day Workshop
Making Robust Decisions as a Team

Instructor: David G. Ullman, Robust Decisions, Inc.
12:00–1:00 Lunch
1:00–4:30 PM Half-Day Workshop
Risk Management for Agility

Instructor: Greg Githens, Catalyst Management Consulting
5:00 Networking Reception / Exhibits Open

Tuesday - April 16

Conference - Day One

7:00–8:15 Continental Breakfast & Registration
8:15–8:30 Chairperson's Welcoming Remarks
Sheila Mello, Conference Chair
Proactive Risk Management

Preston G. Smith, New Product Dynamics
9:45–10:15 Refreshment Break

Managing Project Risk

10:15–11:15 CASE STUDY
Using a Risk Model to Manage Project Risks

Guy Merritt, Tellabs
11:15–12:15 CASE STUDY
System Dynamics Modeling to Mitigate Program Execution Risk

David B. Roggenkamp, Ford Motor Company
12:15–1:30 Luncheon

Managing Market Risk

1:30–2:30 CASE STUDY
Assuring Profitability and Market Share through Strategic Alignment

Paul Falkenstein, Becton Dickinson
2:30-3:30 CASE STUDY
Ascertaining Customer Needs to Reduce Market Risk

Deirdra Dougherty, Dade Behring
3:30–4:00 Refreshment Break

Managing the Risks of New Technology and Innovation

4:00–5:00 CASE STUDY
Managing Risk at the "Front-End of Innovation"

Alex Kawczak, Ashland Specialty Chemical Company
5:00–7:00 Networking Reception & Exhibits

Wednesday - April 17

Conference - Day Two

7:30–8:30 Continental Breakfast
The Real Options Solution to Project Valuation

F. Peter Boer, Yale University
9:30–10:30 CASE STUDY
Balancing Big Bang and Incremental Evolution Projects: Managing the Risks of Leading Edge Scientific R&D

Ken Delcol, MDS SCIEX
10:30–11:00 Refreshment Break
11:00–12:00 CASE STUDY
Controlling Technical Risk

Keith E. Schleiffer, Battelle Healthcare Products
12:00–1:00 Luncheon

Hands-On Application Sessions

1:00–3:30 Session A
Applying Proactive Management to Product Development Risks: Using a Risk Model

Facilitators: Preston G. Smith and Guy Merritt

Session B
Application of Risk Management Approaches to NPD Decisions: Compare and Contrast Alternative Risk Management Approaches

Facilitators: Sheila Mello and Wayne Mackey

3:30 Program Ends

Supporting Organization:
Publication Sponsor:

Sloan Management Review

Online Registration Form

Key Benefits
Case Studies
Pre-Conference Workshops
Hands-On Application Sessions
Hands-On Application Sessions
Fees, Hotel and Travel Logistics
How To Register
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities
Download Brochure

Risky Business Contest


Conference participants receive:

A FREE copy of Proactive Risk Management: Controlling Uncertainty in Product Development, the new book by Preston Smith and Guy Merritt! [Sample Chapter]

- PLUS -

Sloan Management ReviewComplimenatry one-year subscription to the MIT Sloan Management Review

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