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Attend this event as part of MRT's:
NPD Best Practices VIP Series

Controlling the Risks of New Product Development
Key Benefits

By participating in this highly specialized conference you will learn:

  • Why risks should be factored in and managed throughout the entire project, not just at the concept stage.
  • How to manage the unknowns and incomplete information inherent to innovation
  • How the Design Structure Matrix can help you with iterative decision-making
  • How to assess customer needs and the marketplace before fully investing in development
  • How to identify systemic problems and potential solutions that can have an impact on multiple programs
  • A new framework for assessing the value of intellectual capital, including patents, research portfolios, skilled R&D departments, and strategic partnerships - a method that is consistent with accepted tools of corporate finance.
  • How to minimize the risk of committing to new ventures
  • How to identify, quantify, rank and manage major risks effectively
  • How to manage the root causes of a risk (rather than its symptoms)
  • How to distinguish between "risks" and "issues" which require different types of management
  • How to overcome the organizational and cultural impediments that can undermine implementation of an effective risk management program 
Who Should Attend:

VPs and Directors of Product Development, Engineering, R&D, Marketing, CTOs, Program Managers, Project Managers, and Team Leaders.

Especially recommended for NPD teams from medical device, automotive, aerospace/defense, and other high-stakes industries

Supporting Organization:
Publication Sponsor:

Sloan Management Review

Online Registration Form

Key Benefits
Case Studies
Pre-Conference Workshops
Hands-On Application Sessions
Hands-On Application Sessions
Fees, Hotel and Travel Logistics
How To Register
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities
Download Brochure

Risky Business Contest


Conference participants receive:

A FREE copy of Proactive Risk Management: Controlling Uncertainty in Product Development, the new book by Preston Smith and Guy Merritt! [Sample Chapter]

- PLUS -

Sloan Management ReviewComplimenatry one-year subscription to the MIT Sloan Management Review

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