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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Identify and leverage your 'Portfolio Sweet Spot':
Value Innovation
Portfolio Management

Aligning R&D Investment and Strategy with Market Needs

 Dates & Location:
 September 17-18, 2007
/ Cambridge, MA
Sorry, this session in no longer being held.  To inquire about an in-house workshop for your company, please call 1-800-338-2223.


  • Bill Branan, Director of Strategy, Motorola:
    This is a well reasoned, thoughtful approach..based on extensive research and consulting experience across many businesses. It provides a useful way for executives who must make multiple product decisions to develop a framework that matches the portfolio to the strategy in an optimal way.

  • John Carter, CTO, Klipsch:
    Too many executives evaluate portfolio management from an internal point of view which does not facilitate the larger perspective of strategic management. This narrow view fails to recognize that the most profitable enterprise requires an intimate understanding of how a product or service offering benefits the economics of the customer…This set of prescriptive tools is an essential addition to any executive that has passion for delivering customer value.

  • John Lynch, Director of R&D, Millipore:
    ..[This is] a revolutionary way of going about new product portfolio management…picking the best projects to work on…those that will be most valued by the customer.

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This workshop is strictly limited to 35 participants.

Special Bonus!

All workshop participants will receive a complimentary autographed copy of Value Innovation Portfolio Management