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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Identify and leverage your 'Portfolio Sweet Spot':
Value Innovation
Portfolio Management

Aligning R&D Investment and Strategy with Market Needs

 Dates & Location:
 September 17-18, 2007
/ Cambridge, MA
Sorry, this session in no longer being held.  To inquire about an in-house workshop for your company, please call 1-800-338-2223.

14 Key Benefits

In two comprehensive days, you will receive a clear set of guidelines to:

  1. Match your portfolio to your strategic direction, both short and long term

  2. Match resource commitments to portfolio objectives

  3. Adapt your portfolio based on marketplace needs

  4. Master fundamentals for gathering the voice of the customer

  5. Make sure data from a maximum number of markets is included

  6. Obtain fact-based customer data with minimum effort

  7. Minimize data uncertainty

  8. Create guidelines for determining customer requirements

  9. Use customer data to drive innovation solutions

  10. Select the appropriate level of investment intensity

  11. Institutionalize the portfolio process

  12. Gain organizational buy-in and alignment

  13. Reduce the number of engineering dollars spent on projects that get cancelled or changed late in the game

  14. Create a balanced portfolio of products

Key Deliverables

You will return to your organization with:

  • A framework and methodology to guide your portfolio planning with greater certainty of market success

  • Roadmaps, metrics and implementation tools

  • Proven organizational alignment and change management approaches

  • Benchmark your portfolio management maturity against best-in-class companies

  • Recommendations and advice from the instructors about your unique challenge

  • Comprehensive reference materials, including a complimentary autographed copy of Value Innovation Portfolio Management

Special Feature:
Exclusive study of product and service portfolio management practices

Learn how your firm's process compares to others -- results to be shared at the workshop.

We also invite your participation in the study; the questionnaire should only take 20 minutes to complete. Information will be kept confidential, and only consolidated results will be reported.

In addition, study participants are eligible for special prizes.

Click here for details on the study

Download Brochure

pdficon.gif (912 bytes) VIPM.pdf

Course Info

Register Today!
This workshop is strictly limited to 35 participants.

Special Bonus!

All workshop participants will receive a complimentary autographed copy of Value Innovation Portfolio Management