The Management Roundtable

Pre-Conference Workshops

Morning Sesssions:

  1. Tech Scouting - Getting Started

  2. Strategic Roadmapping & Project Selection: Using IP, Technology and Market Insight to Select Projects

Afternoon Sessions:

  1. Managing Open Innovation Relationships and Networks

  2. Advanced Scouting and Roadmapping: Using IP and Related Techniques to Find and Evaluate Technology Options



Tech Scouting � Getting Started

Dr. Jay Paap

Paap Associates
"This course is not only relevant to managers but also to individual scouts.  Fundamentals for scouting are described clearly.  The course clearly states the questions that need to be asked at each stage of scouting  Asking the right questions made the scouting process sensible."
Sathya Kalambur, Frito Lay

There are a number of reasons firms look outside for technologies developed by others. Some want to jump-start their ideation process, others to solve development problems or to catch up in a hot area they have overlooked. As �open innovation� and �connect and develop� become part of business jargon, it is easy to jump into new processes without thinking through all it takes to make sure the process actually delivers on the hype. While many firms have found success, many also miss some basic steps in the process and fail to realize any long-term benefits. In this special half-day workshop, Dr. Jay Paap will draw on his over 30 years of experience in helping global companies set up technology scouting programs to provide a �starter kit� for those thinking of complementing their internal developments with technology developed by others. Real world examples will provide a clear understanding of when it makes sense to scout, and how to do so successfully.

Workshop participants will learn:

  • What technology scouting is and how it can provide value

  • How to apply a three-step scouting process to target technologies of interest

  • How to know whether you are ready for scouting

  • Ways to overcome �not invented here� on the part of internal technologists

  • How to rethink problems in ways that facilitate searches in other industries

  • Steps that can be taken to integrate scouting into existing practices

"Any company, large or small, considering a tech scouting program, or already running one, should learn about the ideas presented in the workshop. It gives exactly the right overview of past and current thinking about the subject, with the right mix of tools and examples."
Michael Oristaglio, Schlumberger



Strategic Roadmapping & Project Selection: Using IP, Technology and Market Insight to Select Projects

Dr. Paul Germeraad
Intellectual Assets, Inc.

Companies today are using strategic planning and product roadmaps with varying degrees of success. This workshop is designed to improve the utility of such methods by vividly demonstrating how IP can supplement other types of information to expand R&D investment options and mitigate freedom-to-practice limitations early in the planning processes. These capabilities are becoming increasingly important to incorporate into strategic and roadmap processes because shortened product development cycles and open innovation opportunities offer all competitors greater opportunity and less room for strategic mistakes. Dr. Paul Germeraad will draw on his Fortune 500 company background and professional society benchmarking findings to provide a solid foundation for improving corporate planning methods.

Workshop participants will learn:

  • How overall strategy and roadmap direction relates to business cycles

  • How a roadmap process fits into business strategy

  • How market, technology and IP patterns affect project strategic options

  • Why project posture should be based on market share, growth rate and IP density

  • How project assessment matrix elements are determined and used in strategic and roadmap planning

  • How IP is used along with market and technical information to select the best projects for inclusion into roadmaps

  • Why IP can be critical to use in roadmap creation



Managing Open Innovation Relationships and Networks

Dr. Jay Paap

Paap Associates

Deciding to pursue a strategy of �open innovation� is the easy part of going outside to work with others. Making it happen in ways that support your objectives and doesn't drain managers� time and energies is the challenge. Nonetheless, OI relationships can offer great rewards if approached the right way. There are numerous success stories spanning the last few decades of firms who have successfully set up external relationships and networks. This workshop will offer insight into what they did, how they chose the right partners and managed the relationship from initial meetings through dissolution. Examples of failed relationships will also be used to illustrate the mistakes to avoid.

Workshop participants will learn:

  • When it makes sense to work with others

  • How to use a four-step partnering process to maximize the chance for success

  • What internal steps must be taken before beginning the search process

  • How to assess potential partners using both soft and hard factors

  • How to create effective teams that cut across companies and geographies

  • When it is time to end the relationship and how to do so gracefully



Advanced Scouting and Roadmapping: Using IP and Related Techniques to Find and Evaluate Technology Options

Dr. Paul Germeraad
Intellectual Assets, Inc.

Once an overall technology roadmap has been created the nitty-gritty work begins. Project needs must be assessed in light of globally available technology. This can only be done by searching market, business, technology and IP databases and networks. Benchmarking of R&D and Licensing professionals has shown that the IP databases are not fully utilized in this process. With the growing popularity of open innovation initiatives all sources of opportunity should be explored before proceeding with a project. This workshop will provide real company examples and detailed insight on how to proceed � including pitfalls to avoid.

Workshop participants will learn:

  • Why thoughtful application of resources is required

  • How the six steps of finding and integrating external technology increases the quality of project evaluations and decreases evaluation time

  • How each of the fifteen key questions of external sourcing of technology can be visualized and how to decipher the pattern for appropriate R&D decisions

  • How IP velocity tells you when to look outside versus inside

  • How past R&D investments in basic technology and applications point to the right external company to work with

  • How the geographic distribution of IP tells you where to develop and first commercialize new products

Conference Info:

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Summit Sponsors:



Technology Scouting: Going �Outside� for Rapid Innovation

Insights from Summit Co-Chair, Jay Paap

(requires brief registration on the FastTrack website)


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Management Roundtable, Inc.
92 Crescent Street, Waltham, MA 02453 USA
Tel: 781-891-8080 or 781-891-8080 Fax: 781-398-1889