Meet Your Market

The optimal conference experience includes learning about available products and services and how to leverage them to drive new product development performance and productivity. Management Roundtable and Stage-Gate Inc.�s First International Stage-Gate Leadership Summit will attract attendance by leading players across multiple industries and functions. As a solution�s provider, take advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and come face-to-face with decision makers in a low pressured environment. There is no better way to reach so many potential customers so quickly and find out first hand about what�s going on in the market place.

For more information on how to position
your firm as a sponsor or exhibitor, contact:

Tracey Kimball
email: [email protected]
or call 781-891-8080 ext. 214

Click here for a current list of companies that will be attending the Summit.

Download 12pg Brochure

pdficon.gif (912 bytes) Stage-Gate-Summit.pdf  515kb

Summit Info:

arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Summit Main Page
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Background
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Agenda
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Summit Chairman
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Summit Faculty
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Keynote Presentations
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Case Studies
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Key Benefits and Deliverables
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Who Should Attend
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Participating Companies
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Special Features
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Innovation Storyboards
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) About MRT & SGI
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Become a Sponsor
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) Fees & Logistics
arrowbullet-green.GIF (97 bytes) How to Register

Register Online

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The Summit is strictly limited to only 100 participants

Gold Summit Sponsors

Silver Summit Sponsors

Copyright 2006 by Management Roundtable, Inc. and Stage-Gate Inc.
� Stage-Gate is a registered trademark of Product Development Institute and Member Company Stage-Gate Inc.