The Management Roundtable, Inc.
is the leading knowledge and
networking resource for product developers. Practitioner-oriented and
unbiased, our focus is on providing actionable information about new
innovations, processes, tools, and technologies that enable faster time
to market, increased profitability, and overall competitive advantage.
Founded in 1980, Management Roundtable publishes
and special reports, hosts a
variety of specialized conferences, workshops, and audio-sessions and
conducts onsite training. Its premium web-based service,
FastTrack, was launched in 2004 to advance product development,
innovation and collaboration. This service offers continuous, unlimited
access to competitive insights and facilitates introductions among
industry practitioners for benchmarking and partnering.
Inc., is a
Member Company of the Product Development Institute and
offers proven solutions to the most complex problems in all
aspects of product innovation through our widely recognized
and implemented products, our highly regarded and trusted
consulting services, our award-winning research papers,
best-selling books and first-rate seminars.