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Strategic Management of Technology and Product Lifecycles

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Sloan Management Review BONUS! Every confererence attendee will receive a complimentary one-year subscription to MIT's Sloan Management Review!

Pre-Conference Workshops

Solving the Innovation Equation


Tony Ulwick Tony Ulwick
Strategyn, Inc.

This workshop introduces the first coordinated and comprehensive process for managing innovation as a predictable discipline. It explains the causal factors that introduce variability into the innovation management process and defines new outcome-based methods for requirements gathering, quantitative research, market segmentation, competitive analysis, product definition and product concept testing – all of which contribute to the elimination of process variability and lead to the consistent, predictable formulation of value-generating product and service strategies.

Participants will learn how most requirements gathering techniques and VOC practices are inhibiting a company’s ability to innovate. They will learn how to overcome this obstacle and how to apply outcome-based practices to uncover areas of opportunity, segment markets, conduct effective competitive analysis, formulate breakthrough product and service concepts and evaluate the potential of new ideas and technologies. Participants will also be introduced to the latest enterprise solution designed to coordinate cross-functional collaboration and simplify the innovation management process. They will learn how this technology is being used to decrease time to market, reduce planning costs and help companies act with speed and certainty.

The practices introduced in this workshop are being used by J&J, Medtronic, Agilent, HP, Motorola, Bosch and other companies involved in technology-orientated markets. It is also being applied to help manage disruptive technology.

About the Instructor

Tony Ulwick began his business career at IBM in 1980, working as a design engineer in what would become the IBM PC Company. Through his 11 years at IBM, he accepted positions in finance, sales, product planning and as an internal research and strategic planning consultant. Witnessing the failure of such products as the PCjr and OS2, Tony vowed to find or create an approach to managing innovation that would ensure company success. Between 1985 and 1990, he formulated a new approach for delivering customer value that would create the foundation of his unique approach towards solving this critical business issue. [More]

Related Article:

Solving the Innovator's Dilemma - from MRT's Product Development Best Practices Report, featuring Tony Ulwick

Harvard Researcher says Best Practices Can Hurt You - an interview with Clayton Christensen, author of The Innovator's Dilemma - from MRT's  Product Development Best Practices Report

Supporting Organizations:
Sopheon   Sloan Management Review American Electronics Association


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