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June 16-18, 2003 / Chicago
Driving Product Lifecycle Profits From Launch Through Renewal
About MRT and PDMA

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About MRT & PDMA

Two of the foremost information resources in the field of product development, the Management Roundtable and the Product Development & Management Association, are partnering to bring you Driving Product Lifecycle Profits. Previous co-sponsored events include the acclaimed CoDev (Co-Developing Products with Partners, Suppliers & Customers) annual conference, held in 2002 and 2003.

The Management RoundtableThe Management Roundtable, Inc. (MRT) is the leading knowledge and networking resource for product developers. Practitioner-oriented and unbiased, our focus is on providing actionable information about new innovations, processes, tools, and technologies that enable faster time to market, increased profitability, and overall competitive advantage. Founded in 1980, Management Roundtable publishes the PEER-award-winning Product Development Best Practices Report, offers an online database of PD Best Practices, hosts a variety of specialized conferences and workshops, and conducts customized research, onsite training and expert referrals.

PDMAProduct Development and Management Association (PDMA) Founded in 1976, the Product Development & Management Association is the only non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the art and science of product development. PDMA’s mission is to improve the effectiveness of people engaged in all aspects of developing and managing new products—both new manufactured goods and new services. This mission includes facilitating the generation of new information and making it available worldwide. With more than 2,500 members in 32 countries, PDMA offers members and the product development community leading-edge thinking, state-of-the-art research, and the very latest information on key trends, processes, tools, and best practices.

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