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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
and R&D in China:

Negotiation, Collaboration
and IP Strategies

 Dates & Location:
 October 22-23, 2007
/ Cambridge, MA


  • Hands-on negotiation exercise, led by acclaimed international business expert, provides participants with practical experience and effective approaches to overcome cultural barriers, build trust, and establish the foundation for partnership success

  • Q&A with experts and China-based practitioners from multinational firms: gain the US and Chinese perspective on what works and what doesn’t when developing products in China, with Chinese partners, for the Chinese market

  • Realistic how-to’s and lessons learned regarding IP, cultural issues, market entry and accessing R&D talent

  • Participants will come away with both a strategy and implementation plan for R&D in China

  • Social reception, breaks and lunch and limited attendance designed to facilitate networking, idea-exchange and new business opportunities

  • Special group discounts to encourage attendance with key members of your product development team

  • Full set of reference materials and a new network of peers and experts provide a resource for follow-up and continued dialogue even after the session has concluded

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