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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
and R&D in China:

Negotiation, Collaboration
and IP Strategies

 Dates & Location:
 October 22-23, 2007
/ Cambridge, MA


China’s R&D growth over the past several years has been nothing short of fantastic…[its] rapid advance on the R&D investments of both the U.S. and Japan is unprecedented in recent history. - R&D Magazine, Sept. 2006

By participating in this practical, in-depth session you will learn:

  1. To pursue, assess, and choose the best partnership opportunities; define your innovation objectives and identify potential sources

  2. How to expand into the Chinese market, the value of brand; how partnering can help – or not – depending on the choices and deals you make

  3. How to manage existing IP - what you can protect, what you should never share. What boundaries should you draw?

  4. How to both share and protect new, jointly developed IP in a collaborative network

  5. The impact of changing policies and new regulatory developments; how to take advantage of the government’s big R&D push

  6. How to work with intermediaries who help find and qualify partners

  7. To ensure mutual trust and clear communication – get past cultural barriers and old ways of thinking

  8. Approaches that lead to greater trust, risk-taking and mutual reward including communication and incentives How to effectively communicate and encourage openness

  9. How to build an R&D product and/or process innovation relationship that really works

  10. How to establish and grow an R&D Center in China; find and cultivate talent

7 Key Deliverables

You will receive:

  1. The latest best practices for IP management and technology transfer in China

  2. Do’s and don’ts for structuring a co-innovation relationship, how Chinese partners might participate in IP benefits

  3. Insight into emerging sources of innovation in China including universities and business incubators

  4. Specific techniques to foster true innovation, to find and manage talent

  5. Strategies and practices to build a flourishing innovation network and/or R&D center

  6. Hands-on experience in leading a negotiation with potential partners

  7. Practical lessons learned from leading industry practitioners (based in China) who have successfully established and grown global R&D capabilities and collaborations

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