Jay Paap is President of Paap Associates, serves on
the faculties of the Industrial Relations Center at Cal Tech and the
Executive Program at The Sloan School (MIT), is a Fellow of The
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, and a PDMA
Certified New Product Development Professional. He received his
Ph.D. from MIT’s Sloan School of Management with concentrations in
technology management and organization design.
Dr. Paap has been active in the management of
technology for 35 years, and has consulted with industrial and
governmental organizations for over 30 years. Prior to founding Paap
Associates, Jay was Partner at Data and Strategies Group, Principal
at Ampersand Ventures, Director of Corporate Consulting at Venture
Economics, and Associate Director of the Technology Management Group
at Pugh-Roberts Associates. Before entering consulting, Jay was an
officer in the US Air Force, responsible for developing and
deploying advanced electronics equipment.
In 1992 he founded and ran the Commercialization
Roundtable in which senior business development managers from major
companies met every two or three months through 1995 to share
experiences on corporate venturing and develop best practices
concerning how major corporations can effectively commercialize new
technology based concepts and businesses. Among the members of the
Roundtable were AT&T, Digital, Dow, DuPont, GTE, IBM, MCC, Motorola,
and Xerox.