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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Technology Scouting to Accelerate Innovation
Implementing an External Sourcing Program

 August 14-15, 2008
/ Cambridge, MA


Why your organization needs a technology scouting process

Procter & Gamble’s CEO Alan G. Lafley is often quoted as saying "half the company's ideas must come from the outside." Indeed, P&G is a leader in external technology and innovation scouting, and it is paying off handsomely.  In one respect Lafley was restating an important insight voiced by Thomas Edison about a century ago:  “Your idea has to be original only in its adaptation to the problem you're working on.”

Why? Going outside can both speed up and improve technical development, free up scarce internal resources for other high-impact activities, and lead to greater innovation.

The key is being open (versus threatened) and knowing where to look, how to qualify, and how to apply new externally-developed technologies for rapid commercialization – at a profit to your firm.

Rather than relying on ad hoc and sometimes haphazard approaches to technology sourcing, many firms are adopting formal Technology Scouting programs to provide a structured, focused approach to identifying and acquiring new technology.

If your company is seeking to accelerate or improve its technical development, take advantage of this session in which Dr. Jay Paap –will draw on his 30 plus years of work experience to provide real world examples of both effective – and less effective – sourcing initiatives.

Workshop Objective

The purpose of this interactive workshop is to give you proven tools and planning frameworks that you can immediately use to help accelerate your development efforts and promote a more innovative product portfolio. Our goal is to help you develop the skills that will allow you to effectively leverage your internal technical capabilities by selectively going outside to acquire or develop the technologies required to meet your strategic objectives.

Who Should Attend
This session is recommended for anyone responsible for planning and executing a firm’s technology and product development effort: senior and middle level managers from Marketing, R&D, Engineering, Operations, Planning, New Product Development, and Business Development.

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There are only 2 seats remaining for this workshop as of 08-04-08. Register today to ensure your place.