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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Technology Scouting to Accelerate Innovation
Implementing an External Sourcing Program

 August 14-15, 2008
/ Cambridge, MA

The Technology Scouting Workshop and First Annual Summit on Technology Sourcing sound similar - what are the differences, and which should I attend?

Workshop is a two-day "How-To" course, taught by Dr. Jay Paap. It provides a framework and guidelines for implementing a formal tech scouting program and covers organizational considerations, tech scouting practices, open innovation approaches (partner, license, etc), deal making, competitive intelligence gathering, and more. Jay provides industry examples to illustrate key practices. Class is limited to 35 people, with group discussion and exercises.

Attend the Workshop if you seek a step-by-step plan to implement and/or improve your organization's Tech Scouting activities. This is a focused session with opportunity for Q&A, individualized advice, and networking. Click here to sign up.

The Summit is a two-day conference, co-chaired by Jay Paap, which builds on the workshop. The content is similar, but at the next level, with case presentations by more than a dozen leading practitioners from P&G, IBM, Avery Dennison, Nokia, Corning, Kraft, Kimberly-Clark Health Care, Dow AgroSciences, Reckitt Benckiser, Motorola, J&J, BD Diagnostics, and Cadbury who will share implementation insights. Nearly all the speakers are workshop "graduates" - it will be a great venue to compare notes! The content spans Opportunity discovery and assessment, tech scouting & Open Innovation approaches, integration of new technologies into the NPD process, and cultural change. Summit co-chair, Paul Germeraad, a renowned expert on IP strategy, will cover valuating and leveraging IP and the technology portfolio. Optional half-day pre-conference workshops on Scouting, Roadmapping and Open Innovation are offered at both the basic and advanced level.

Attend the Summit if you want to hear how other organizations are implementing Tech Scouting as well as integrating external and internal innovation. This is a multi-speaker conference with different viewpoints and the opportunity to benchmark and meet intermediaries and potential partners. Click here to sign up.

Attend BOTH if you want to turbo-charge your Tech Scouting and Open Innovation efforts - attend the Workshop to develop your strategy and action plan, go to the Summit to take it to the next level. Bring others from your organization for maximum impact. Special discounts offered (subtract $100 per person if you attend both events, subtract another $200 per person if you sign up by August 29.) Teams save even more.

If you have any other questions, please call 1-800-338-2223 or 781-891-8080.

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There are only 2 seats remaining for this workshop as of 08-04-08. Register today to ensure your place.