Keynote Presentation: |
Tuesday, April 26 -
Alignment of Portfolio Management
Scott J. Edgett
CEO and Co-Founder
Product Development Institute
organizations are integrating their innovation strategy, portfolio
management process and new product development process into one
seamless process. The goal is to effectively blend strategy with
tactics. Easier said than done!
In this presentation Dr. Scott Edgett presents how
leading companies are using portfolio management as the critical
joiner to link strategy with pipeline management and how they are
looking to portfolio management to achieve focused resource and
pipeline balance. Topics include how to create a winning innovation
strategy; strategic linkage via roadmaps; portfolio metrics;
pipeline alignment and effective resource allocation approaches and
Scott J. Edgett
is an internationally recognized expert in the field of new
product development and portfolio management. He is CEO and
co-founder of the Product Development Institute, Ontario, Canada.
Scott is a noted speaker and consultant having conducted executive
seminars and consulting projects in United States, Canada, Europe,
Middle East and Japan. Some of his recent clients include ABB,
Alcan, American Express, Barclays Bank, Clorox, Delta Airlines,
Dianippon Ink & Chemical, Diageo, Dofasco, Domtar, DowElanco,
Gennum, Hallmark, Hollister, Hydro-Quebec, ICI, ITT, Kelloggs,
Kennametal, Life Technologies, Manulife Financial, Masterfoods, The
Mutual Group, Nova Chemicals, PECO Energy, Pennzoil-Quaker Oil,
Pepsico, Roche, Rohm & Haas, The Royal Bank of Canada, R.W. Johnson
Pharmaceutical, State Farm, Sun Life Assurance, Toray, U.S. Filter,
Warner Lambert, W.R. Grace and Xerox. He has published more than 60
articles and papers, including the "Best Practices" series. He has
also co-authored five books. His latest are entitled Portfolio
Management for New Products 2nd
Edition and Product Development for the Service Sector.
Scott holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, an
MBA in Marketing/ Finance and a Ph.D. in Marketing (New Product
Development). Scott can be contacted at 905-648-0095, or
[email protected]
Keynote Presentation: |
Wednesday, April 27 -
Applying Lean
to Pipeline Management
Reinertsen & Associates, and author, Managing the Design
The typical pipeline management
process is very far from being "lean". It contains massive queues,
large batch sizes, and imbalanced flows. Scarce resources are
diluted over many projects, making everything move slowly.
Long cycle times lead to long planning horizons, making forecasting
very risky. To deal with this risk, even more "just-in-case"
projects are added, further clogging the system. In this keynote
address Don Reinertsen will present a very different approach to
pipeline management, one that applies the logic of lean. He will
How to quantify the cost of queues
in the pipeline
Why the concept of project
priorities is fundamentally flawed
How the concept of batch size
applies to pipeline management
How "pull-based" control can
reduce dependency on forecasting
traditional metrics undermine a "lean" pipeline
Don Reinertsen is the instructor
MRT's highly popular 2-Day workshop:
Lean Product Development:
Techniques, Economics and
16-17, 2005 in San Diego
Info] |
Don Reinertsen
is President of Reinertsen & Associates,
specializing in the management of the product development process.
Before forming his own firm, he consulted at McKinsey & Co., an
international management consulting firm, and was Senior Vice
President of operations at Zimmerman Holdings, a private diversified
manufacturing company. His contributions in the field of product
development have been recognized internationally. He is particularly
noted for bringing fresh perspectives and quantitative rigor to
development process management. In 1983, while a consultant at
McKinsey & Co., he wrote a landmark article in Electronic Business
magazine that first quantified the value of development speed. This
article has been cited in the frequently quoted McKinsey study that
indicated “6 months delay can be worth 33 percent of lifecycle
profits.” He coined the term “Fuzzy Front End” in 1983 and began
applying world class manufacturing techniques in product development
in 1985. His latest book, Managing the Design Factory, is recognized
as a powerful and thoughtful application of manufacturing thinking
to product development. Don is also co-author of, Developing
Products in Half the Time. Mr. Reinertsen holds a B.S. in Electrical
Engineering from Cornell University and an M.B.A. with distinction
from Harvard Business School. |