Product Development and R&D Metrics
Quantifying Innovation, Portfolio Value and Resource
November 3-6, 2003
/ Chicago, IL |
Keynote Presentations:
Field-Proven Approaches for
Assessing R&D Productivity
Baruch Lev, Professor, New York University, Stern School of
Business, Director of the Project for Research on
Intangibles and author of INTANGIBLES: Management,
Measurement, and Reporting
Website |
CIO Magazine Interview |
BusinessWeek Article |
Research and development (R&D)
operations are the most promising, and at the same time the
riskiest of corporate activities. Therefore, it is not
surprising that investors generally view R&D with suspicion and
managers often reject promising R&D projects.
The key to adequate funding of
R&D activities and maintaining favorable investors’ perceptions
of corporate innovations is the capacity to quantify the quality
of the firm’s technological capabilities and the prospects of
its R&D projects. This, of course, is not an exact science, but
Dr. Lev will discuss various field-proven approaches for the
assessment of R&D prospects, and the effective communication of
these assessments to outsiders (managers, investors). Prominent
among these approaches are the estimation of the return on R&D
(ROI of R&D), the assessment of technological capabilities from
patents and royalties, and the development of an innovation
"Great speaker – very relevant
– topics change how I will view and value intangibles."
Peter Oleske, Armstrong World Industries
"Excellent content – able
presentation. Clearly well researched and composed. Exquisitely
profound in simplicity." Dubravka Opuhac, Bayer Diagnostics
Frequently cited and published in
publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week,
Fortune and more, Baruch Lev is the Philip Bardes Professor of
Accounting and Finance at New York University, Stern School of
Business, the Director of the Vincent C. Ross Institute for
Accounting Research and the Project for Research on Intangibles.
Professor Lev's research spans three books and about 75 research
studies published in the leading accounting, finance and
economic journals. This research concerns the optimal use of
information in investment decisions; business valuation issues;
corporate governance; and recently intangible investments
(intellectual capital). In particular, the measurement,
valuation and reporting issues concerning intangible
investments. He lectures internationally and works closely with
such institutions as the Securities and Exchange Commission, the
Financial Accounting Standards Board, OECD, the European Union,
and the Brookings Institution.
Waterfalling Corporate Objectives
to Turbocharge R&D Performance and Increase Bottom-Line Results

Joseph B. Havrilla, Senior Vice President, New Product
Development, Medrad, Inc.
Companies are most effective when
the mission, strategies, budgets, objectives and incentive
systems are linked and aligned. At Medrad, Inc., a metrics based
Corporate Scorecard linked back to the company's mission and
philosophy drives the annual corporate objectives and variable
reward systems. This grounds the annual objectives with the
company's culture and drives organizational alignment.
Mr. Havrilla will discuss Medrad's
successful deployment of its Corporate Scorecard as well as its
use of an integrated Corporate Priority List to waterfall
forward annual operational initiatives (both development
projects and organizational improvement efforts). This process
enables the entire organization to focus on the critical few and
allocate limited resources to projects that lead to bottom line
growth and initiatives that drive organizational improvement.
By attending this session, you will
- how to develop and deploy a
corporate scorecard and remove organizational barriers to
- strategies to effectively
cascade corporate objectives throughout your organization
- how to ensure that scarce
resources are focused on projects that are in line with
strategic objectives and have the greatest potential for
Joe Havrilla directs Medrad’s product
research and development activities, in addition to managing the
company’s intellectual property portfolio. He joined Medrad in
1983 as a Senior Research Engineer. Today he manages a staff of
over 100 engineers and scientists, dedicated to preserving
Medrad’s product leadership in the competitive healthcare
industry. He personally holds 12 medical device patents.
Prior to joining Medrad, Joe
held technical and engineering management positions at Xerox,
Inc., Rockwell International, Inc., and Recognition Equipment
He has an MBA in Product Development and
Operations Management from Southern Methodist University, where
he graduated with honors in 1981, and a Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering (1977) from Carnegie-Mellon University.
Key Metrics for Effective Portfolio Management

Dr. Scott Edgett, CEO and Co-Founder, Product Development
Dr. Edgett will discuss the key
metrics that companies are using to more effectively manage
their portfolios. Recent benchmarking data will be explored to
determine how top performers are succeeding and outpacing their
This presentation will examine:
- The high performance diamond
– the four key drivers of success needed to achieve high
performance results in your company
- What metrics are commonly
being used to measure individual project performance as well
as business unit NPD program performance – new data on
the results of these metrics
- New product performance
measures and the results achieved by top performing
companies including: how low and high performers compare on
standard business metrics; what high performers are spending
on different types of innovation (i.e. product improvements
versus breakthrough new products)
- Challenges in establishing
effective metrics – examining the "dark side of metrics";
what makes a good metric? Balancing hard versus soft data
and quantitative versus qualitative; how to ensure that your
metrics initiatives don’t have a negative impact on overall
company performance
Dr. Scott J.
Edgett is an internationally recognized expert in the field of
new product development and portfolio management. He is CEO and
co-founder of the Product Development Institute, Ontario,
Canada. Scott is a noted speaker and consultant having conducted
executive seminars and consulting projects in United States,
Canada, Europe, Middle East and Japan. Some of his recent
clients include ABB, Alcan, American Express, Barclays Bank,
Clorox, Delta Airlines, Dianippon Ink & Chemical, Diageo,
Dofasco, Domtar, DowElanco, Gennum, Hallmark, Hollister,
Hydro-Quebec, ICI, ITT, Kelloggs, Kennametal, Life Technologies,
Manulife Financial, Masterfoods, The Mutual Group, Nova
Chemicals, PECO Energy, Pennzoil-Quaker Oil, Pepsico, Roche,
Rohm & Haas, The Royal Bank of Canada, R.W. Johnson
Pharmaceutical, State Farm, Sun Life Assurance, Toray, U.S.
Filter, Warner Lambert, W.R. Grace and Xerox. He has published
more than 60 articles and papers, including the "Best Practices"
series. He has also co-authored five books. His latest are
entitled Portfolio Management for New Products 2nd
Edition and Product Development for the Service Sector.
Scott holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting,
an MBA in Marketing/ Finance and a Ph.D. in Marketing (New
Product Development). Scott can be contacted at 905-648-0095, or
[email protected]