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T W O - D A Y   C O N F E R E N C E
Product Pipeline and Portfolio Management
Balancing Priorities with Capacity
April 25-27, 2005 / Chicago, IL


Despite an improved economy, the pressure to do more with less has not waned. In fact, senior management now wants even bigger bang for the buck. Simply leveling out your product pipeline is not enough; overcoming bottlenecks is just the baseline. There are no easy answers – gone are the days when adding more projects to increase your odds was effective.

Clearly you must go further than ever before to balance resources with opportunities; to "innovate," spot winners, drop losers, anticipate shifts, re-deploy -- swiftly, decisively, and intelligently.

What (and how much) data do you need to drive these critical decisions? Can you keep it simple or should you consider what the latest batch of portfolio management tools has to offer?  Whatever course of action you take, one thing is for certain, your ability to get an accurate read on what your resource capacity is at any given time and to dynamically redeploy those resources to match shifting priorities is critical. 

That’s why Management Roundtable’s annual conference, Product Pipeline & Portfolio Management, to be held April 25 – 27, 2005 in Chicago will focus on how to maximize your resources and your opportunities - by choosing the best of both and being ready to shift as needed.

You will learn: 

  • Strategies, techniques and approaches to dynamically "offload" and "on-load" the pipeline

  • How to coordinate across multiple roadmaps (product, technology, market)

  • What tools are most effective for prioritizing projects in the portfolio

  • How to link resource planning to strategic portfolio management

  • To determine the best data points for making decisions - simplify, simplify, simplify

Available Mon-Fri 
9:30am-5pm est

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