2 - D A Y W O R K S H O P
& Technology Roadmapping Fundamentals
Developing a blueprint for Organizational Buy-In & Long-Term Impact
& Location:
13-14, 2008 / Chicago, IL
Agenda & Course Outline |
One |
7:00 – 8:00 |
Registration & Continental Breakfast |
8:00 – 8:15 |
Introductions/Review of Day One Agenda |
8:15 – 9:00 |
Session I:
What is the Roadmapping Process and How is it Used?
Overview of the full
roadmapping process: assessing opportunities and
challenges, developing maps, linking them, maintaining them
over time, and creating strategic discussion around them.
Roadmapping Formats:
case examples of how individual companies are using them
Subsequent sessions will focus on each of the critical
stages, guiding participant learning through detailed
questions and templates.
– 10:15 |
Session II:
Where is Your Company on the Roadmapping Maturity Model?
Understanding how roadmapping
matures to develop your roadmapping plan -roadmapping can be
a stand alone activity in a single department or it can
bridge many units in a company or even link with its supply
Review of the various aspects
of each stage of the roadmapping maturity model in terms of
the organization’s practice and its readiness to go to the
next level.
Individual participants will identify which stage his/her
company currently occupies. Participants will consider their
company’s goals (or their individual goals) for roadmapping,
and will discuss how these goals help begin to frame the
roadmapping activity.
10:15-10:30 |
Break |
10:30 – 12:00 |
Session III:
What Does it Take to Build a
Roadmap and How Should Your Company Get Started?
Assessing your company, its
goals, and motivations for roadmapping
Determining the dominant
roadmap for your company - The term “roadmap” is misleading
since most companies develop a series of roadmaps to support
their efforts. But generally one type of roadmap drives the
others and this depends on the type of company you are
(product, services) and the position of your company
relative to others (OEM, distributor, supplier).
EXERCISE: Participants will use a template to
assess their company’s goals, their own (or their group’s)
motivation for roadmapping, and their position within the
supply chain. From this, participants will identify the
dominant roadmap for their organization or group
With the dominant roadmap identified,
participants will discuss what other related roadmaps might
be germane for their company and will then lay out their
high level roadmapping framework via a template provided
during the session. We’ll return to these high level
frameworks on Day 2.
12:00-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00-4:30 |
Session IV:
Case Study of the Roadmapping Process
The roadmapping process is often initiated with a call to action
(a competitive threat, emerging market opportunity or technology
challenge) where companies determine that their current position
needs to change.
session will involve hands-on practice on how to:
Map the lay of the land and
determine a set of long term goals
Articulate the gaps between
where your company wants to go and where it is now
Map the gap to identify
changes to help in transitioning
Select a path of specific
activities and ensure that key activities support the goals
(using the GOTChA method)
Develop a plan to monitor key
elements on the roadmap using scenarios, key drivers and
tipping point logic
For each phase in this session,
Dr. Petrick will give a brief introduction to the challenges and
objectives of the phase and participants will work in small
groups to practice the techniques and share emerging results and
maps. |
4:30-5:00 |
One Wrap-Up and Q&A |
5:00-6:00 |
Reception |
Two |
7:00 – 8:00 |
Continental Breakfast |
8:00 – 9:30 |
Session V:
Is the Initial Roadmapping Framework & Dominant Roadmap the
Right One?
The keys to a successful
roadmapping effort: the framework and information content.
The framework begins with the dominant roadmap and considers
other critical and potentially related themes, and should
reflect the key players (organizational units) in the
EXERCISE: Returning to the high level framework
created in Day 1, in facilitated round table discussions,
participants will determine if changes to this initial
framework are warranted. Participants will also work through
a questionnaire and template to help them think about what
to start first and how to progress.
9:30-9:45 |
Break |
– 12:00 |
Session VI:
Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get Started
Different roadmap types often begin and are driven by the same
types of questions. They are also expanded by a similar set of
questions; thus, making it essential to know your starting point
and end goals. Participants will discuss common themes, given
dominant roadmap preferences, and initiate individual roadmap
EXERCISE: Participants will be regrouped to insure
that similar dominant roadmap efforts are underway at each
table. Participants will use questionnaires and templates to
help them establish long term goals for their roadmap, identify
the gaps between the long term and today, and develop a series
of integrated activities, across multiple places in the
organization. Participants will end the morning with -
Preliminary dominant
roadmaps – laying the groundwork for future information
A set of questions and
data needs – necessary to further flush out the roadmap
set of key actors (beyond their group) – individuals that
will need to be involved given the topics on the roadmap
set of triggers – useful in tracking the roadmap’s viability
over time
12:00-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00-2:30 |
Session VII:
Assess Organizational Barriers and Develop
Implementation Plans
To yield value, a roadmap(s) must be used across organizational
functions and at multiple levels. Learn how to identify
champions, agnostics, and detractors in your company and develop
implementation plans that can serve to increase buy-in. |
2:30-2:45 |
Break |
2:45-3:45 |
Session VIII:
Gauging Success
Review of some of the metrics
and measures currently being used by over 150 executives and
managers who are actively engaged in roadmapping efforts.
Participants will engage in a
facilitated discussion of the viability of these metrics for
their individual companies.
3:45-4:00 |
Q&A |
4:00 |
Workshop Concludes |
Download Brochure |

Roadmapping.pdf |
Course Info |

Register Today!
This popular session is strictly
limited to 35 participants - early
registration is strongly advised.