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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Product & Technology Roadmapping

April 3-4, 2006 / Savannah, GA

Course Outline

I. Challenges to Roadmapping
Adoption & Acceptance

Regardless of whether you deploy roadmapping from the top-down or the bottom-up, there are challenges to adoption. Some of these challenges are organizational and others are personal. This session will provide participants with an opportunity to brainstorm challenges, consider options, and be introduced to a technique to assess individual acceptance behaviors.

Exercise: Introduction to adoption acceptance measures; hands-on practice with technique and discussion of applications

II. Environment Dynamics and Their Impact on Practice

Each organization occupies a unique space which influences its ability to chart its own destiny, operate independently, develop competitive strategies, and to respond to or control its environment. The fact that organizations do not operate in a vacuum requires that each roadmapping activity be tailored to the external and internal dynamics of the organization.

The introduction of the roadmapping activity – form, function, and specific features – should fit its environment. Market-driven organizations should approach this differently than technology-driven organizations. The key is to understand and leverage the underpinnings of environmental dynamics.

Exercises: Mini case-analysis, small-group discussion of participant organizational dynamics and large-group facilitated discussion of ways to match organizational dynamics with roadmapping activities

III. Using "Triggers" to Maintain Roadmaps & Initiate Action

After a roadmap is developed the single biggest challenge is to maintain it. An out-of-date roadmap yields little benefit. But maintenance is often overwhelming and expensive. Here participants will be introduced to the concept of “triggers” – environmental cues that signal a change in the assumptions underlying the roadmap’s construction. When the assumptions appear to be changing, then the roadmap must be revisited. Tracking triggers is a cost effective way to ensure timely roadmap information content.

Exercise: Mini-case analysis - individual participants explore triggers concept, small-group discussion of triggers and ways to track them, and individual development of a tracking system


IV. Integrating Roadmapping into the Business Enterprise

Stand-alone roadmapping activities consistently fail to yield maximum enterprise value. To be effective, roadmaps must be linked to strategy development, resource allocation, IP strategy, collaboration and partnership development, and long-range organizational development. Participants will be encouraged to define how and where roadmapping activities might fit into their organization’s management and enterprise practices. Participants will also explore ways to link visioning and strategic development to roadmapping.


  • Participants will develop decision-making and resource allocation process maps, including introduction to the NASA developed GOTChA technique (Goals, Opportunities, Technical Challenges and Approaches)

  • Participant development of extended enterprise integration process

  • Facilitated large group discussion about change management to facilitate roadmapping integration and effectiveness

  • Exploration of visioning and its link to roadmapping and strategy development

V. Maturing the Roadmapping Process for Maximum Effectiveness

Few organizations possess all of the elements needed to make their first roadmapping activities either simple or effective. Participants will learn how to assess their organization’s readiness for roadmapping and will identify necessary complementary practices that support roadmapping. A roadmapping maturity model will be presented that enables each participant to identify his or her own organization’s current status and to explore ways to increase the organization’s ability to achieve maximum benefit from roadmapping.

Exercise: Mini-case analysis and a large group exploration of ways to use adoption acceptance measures from Session I to develop a roll-out strategy for future roadmapping activities.


VI. Roadmapping Practice Renewal

Roadmapping Practice Renewal: Organizational renewal is an ongoing way of life in today’s dynamic environment. Thus roadmapping maturity is important, but only effective if the models and activities match the evolving organization. In this final session, participants will consider ways that their organization might change in the future and determine possible changes to current roadmapping activities to realize maximum and on-going benefits from roadmapping.


  • Large group discussion of the linkages between organizational dynamics and roadmapping needs
  • Individual participant reevaluation of organizational dynamics from Session II in light of current roadmapping practices
  • Small-group discussion of likely future challenges and potential options to counter and/or leverage these challenges
  • Small-group report-out and large group discussion of possible strategies

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