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Outsourcing Design and Manufacturing

Outsourcing Design and Manufacturing

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Keynote Presentations

Wednesday - 8:15-9:30
From Strength

Shifting focus from tactical demands to strategic benefits is the current big change in outsourcing. Outsourcing was originally thought of as a work-shifting move — a way to have others do the tasks companies did not want to do themselves. As late as 1997, only 53% of top executives described their outsourcing as "strategic" rather than simply "tactical."

In the Outsourcing from Strength Era, companies must view outsourcing from the perspective of top-level corporate goals. Outsourcing partnerships can lead to innovations that directly affect strategy while delivering on tactical goals. The best outsourcers, in turn, link their own work directly to their partners’ priorities to strengthen relationships.

Mr. Richardson’s presentation will show how to save critical resources and spend more time on core competencies through carefully planned, strategically sound outsourcing. Key topics include:

  • Making the Outsourcing Decision - Identifying Key Reasons to Outsource, Aligning Outsourcing with Strategy, Defining Internal Strengths and Core Competencies, and Performing Cost/Benefit Analyses
  • Selecting a Vendor - Vetting Vendors Thoroughly, Making the Deal, Contracting for a Mutually Beneficial Relationship, Security and Protecting IP, Communicating and Managing Relationships, Designing Communication Plans
  • Measuring Success Factors - Defining and Measuring Success, Identifying and Correcting Problems, and Making the Transition Smoothly
Richardson50.gif (4641 bytes)Jason Richardson
Cutting Edge Information

Jason Richardson, President, Cutting Edge Information, has led more than 40 major consulting research projects for world-class clients in more than a dozen industries. Some of Mr. Richardson’s selected focus areas include outsourcing, succession planning, e-business, call centers, financial management, product development, thought leaders, recruitment and selection, sales force automation, flextime initiatives, the Balanced Scorecard, financial shared service centers, and customer service effectiveness.

Supporting Organization:

Cutting Edge Information

Wednesday - 4:15-5:15
Strategies for Making the OEM / EMS Relationship Work

Mr. Sacherman will discuss how to better foster relationships between the manufacturing services provider and the OEM customer. He will provide an overview of how Flextronics manages the following issues through successful customer examples:

  • How to address the more delicate, but common contractual issues including inventory, warranty and recall risk
  • How to foster open communication between OEM’s and EMS providers; what tools can facilitate/support communication (actual working examples to be demonstrated)
  • How to set realistic expectations and deal with "issues" on a day-to-day basis
  • What are the key criteria for a long-term positive relationship
sacherman50.gif (4672 bytes)Jim Sacherman
Chief Marketing Officer,

Before his current role as Chief Marketing Officer of Flextronics, Jim Sacherman was Chief Executive Officer of Palo Alto Products International, a company he founded in 1983. Palo Alto Products grew into a premier design firm and manufacturer of mechanical enclosures and was acquired by Flextronics in April 2000. Mr. Sacherman earned his B.S. in Engineering Design and Economic Evaluation from the University of Colorado and holds a Master of Science in Product Design from Stanford University. His current responsibilities at Flextronics include Corporate Marketing and Business Development.

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