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T E N T H   A N N U A L  C O N F E R E N C E
Product Development  Metrics:
Achieving the Full Value of R&D
November 7-9, 2005 / Chicago, IL

Conference Chairperson

Wayne Mackey Wayne Mackey
Product Development
Consulting, Inc

Wayne Mackey served as Chair for the first two MRT Product Development Metrics Conferences and has advised and spoken at all of them.  His expertise is grounded in over twenty years of hands-on management of large engineering, manufacturing, and procurement organizations. His management consulting is focused on product / service development, and he is especially effective in metrics, collaborative design, supply chain management and business strategy implementation.

Mr. Mackey has been a Principal with Product Development Consulting, Inc. since 1997. Prior to joining PDC, he worked in industry for 20 years in high tech, aerospace and automotive fields. He is a natural change agent and leader, having counseled Fortune 500 companies, major universities (Stanford, MIT) and government agencies in product development, supply chain management, and rapidly implementing enterprise-wide change. Mr. Mackey earned a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and economics from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and a Master of Science in engineering, from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California.

Available Mon-Fri 
9:30am-5pm est

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