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Pre-Conference Workshop A
Collaborating in Cyberspace –
Managing "Co-Wired" Teams

Monday, October 16 - 8:30am-12:00PM

Instructor: Dr. Scott Elliott, Principal, Product Development Consulting, Inc.

NEW! - Scott will be joined by Agilent's Brian Hughes, who will add his own implementation experiences.

Internet tools enable you to collaborate in ways you didn’t dream of 10 years ago. Despite these advances, your time-to-market and total return from projects has not improved significantly. Why not? Because you are probably managing your new product development projects exactly the way you managed them in your old co-located, self-contained enterprise.

To benefit fully from the new technologies and the new economy, you may need to re-engineer your management system. Following the principles and steps of this workshop, your company can gain a competitive advantage in speed and cost as you move to a distributed, collaborative product development environment.


  1. Changing the way you lead in a "co-wired"
  1. Management behavior changes
  2. Incentive changes
  3. Providing virtual meeting space and protocols
  1. avoid the "Tyranny of Core Competency"
  1. What does the customer value?
  2. Shopping the world for competency
  3. Concurrent supply chain development
  4. Building "co-wired" partnerships
  1. Managing "knowledge inventory"
  1. Coordinating distributed NPD efforts
  2. Knowledge inventory "velocity"
  3. Managing knowledge constraints and bottlenecks
  4. "Co-wired" project management and metrics
  1. Steps to achieving a successful "co-wired"

Examples from industry will be used.

scottelliott-photo.jpg (6601 bytes)Dr. Scott S. Elliott has been a teacher, researcher, senior manager and consultant in the electronics industry for 30 years, most of the time as a technology manager with Hewlett Packard. He has managed small and large R&D and manufacturing departments and a wafer manufacturing facility, and has published many papers on technical and management subjects. Currently, he is a Principal with Product Development Consulting, Inc., specializing in collaborative design and development, design for the supply chain, and R&D portfolio management.

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