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"...provided perspectives and measures that will help in influencing business transformation."
Kathy Whitcher

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While technology and the Internet are making it increasingly possible – and necessary — to conduct global business electronically on a 24/7 schedule, the complexity is staggering. In product development, not only are different functions and different organizations collaborating across dispersed locations, the information being shared is proprietary, drawing-based, and ever-changing.

Yet the potential to reduce cycle times and costs (while leveraging your organization’s core strengths) has never been greater.

With so few limits and boundaries, how do you keep it simple? How do you stay flexible enough to make rapid switches as needed without causing chaos?

Management Roundtable’s International Conference on Design Anywhere, Manufacture Anywhere will bring together leading experts and practitioners — from large and small organizations, legacy and new, from the US and abroad — to discuss the strategic design decisions, the cultural issues, and the infrastructure/IT requirements that enable both agility and control.

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