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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
8 Steps to Predictable Innovation —
Using Outcome-Driven Thinking to Create Breakthrough Products & Services

 Dates & Location:
 November 5-6, 2007 / Chicago

Customer Testimonials

Here's what previous workshop attendees had to say about 8 Steps to Predictable Innovation:

"Certainly will help our company make the fuzzy front-end of innovation more stable, clear and predictable. Integrates well with other tools we are using."

Kevin Harris
Account Executive

"[The workshop] provides actionable, process-oriented, detailed information. "

Jeff Hynds
Innovation EFA Program manager,
Ingersoll Rand

"I greatly enjoyed the course. I think the concepts are valuable. I see no organizational barriers to implementing this approach on a trial basis. "

Neil Young
Strategic Marketing Manager

"Great [seminar] - every company should get engaged in understanding better how to Innovate inside their company the "Right" way."

Kathy Dodd
The Corridor Group

"...provided me with a more clear model on how to pursue growth opportunities using the outcomes based approach. "

Armando Lunda, Jr
VP, Strategic Marketing
Blue Cross Blue Shield FL

"The workshop provided excellent conceptual and practical understanding into the process of learning what customers want."

Gary Kitchen
Chief Economist
Utah Transit Authority

"Tony's presentation style, knowledge, data and examples to back it up was outstanding."

Michael Irving
Product Development
Core Team Leader
A-Dec, Inc.

"[This] Process is a definite improvement over many product development processes. I have been exposed to and am currently using in our company. The concept of outcomes, talking with customers with a focus on jobs to be done is an extremely valuable tool leading to breakthrough concepts and company success."

Robert Bledsoe
Market Research Director
Case New Holland

"I think this appraoch offers a valuable alternative to traditional Voice of the Customer/QFD processes."


Eric M. Whipkey
Manager, Market Research
Society for Human Resource Management

Download Brochure

pdficon.gif (912 bytes) 8SPI-Brochure.pdf

Course Info

> Home
> Background
> Agenda/
Course Outline
> Key Benefits & Deliverables
> Customer Testimonials
> About the Instructor
> Registration Fee & Logistics

Registration Fee:
Includes program materials, luncheons, continental breakfasts, networking reception, and refreshment breaks...more info

Register Online

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This workshop is limited to 50 participants - early registration is advised

"We’ve seen the powerful results outcome-driven innovation had in our product, development, marketing and sales groups.”
Jeff Baker
Microsoft Corporation

"This approach enabled us to devise breakthrough web-based service solutions and make valued operational process changes.”
Paul Zarookian
A.I. Imperial (AIG)