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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Getting the Voice of the Customer Right
Mastering the Art of Customer Visits

 December 3-4, 2008
/ San Diego, CA


Here's what previous workshop attendees had to say about Mastering the Art of Customer Visits:

"It (the seminar) dealt with real-world, practical every day issues that apply to my work... I enjoyed the course and found it most worthwhile."

Robert Green
Senior Market Development Manager
Keithley Instruments

"The workshop enabled me to perform a more thorough planning of customer visits and helped me to adjust my style...It was two days well spent - the skills I learned will help me tremnedously in the future."

Gilbert Hausmann
Sr. Technology Manager
Tyco Healthcare

"I should have attended a year ago before our customer visit program...We could have doubled the value."

Lois Davis
Global Business Manager

"A very concise and robust workshop that provides useful explanations of the tools and methods to get the most value from the customer visit."

Paul V. Gaetani
Product Manager

"I conduct many customer visits via our Voice of the Customer efforts and found this information helpful, relevant and affirming to the process we follow."

John Flaa
Market Intelligence Manager
HID Global Minneapolis

"This workshop provided me excellent guidance on how and what to ask customers as well as how to analyze customer responses."

Laura Holte
Product Manager
Cyber Optics Corporation

Exclusive Workshop Offer!
Every attendee of this workshop will receive a FREE REPRINT of Ed McQuarries landmark book, Customer Visits: Building a Better Market Focus.
This book is currently out of print and hard to about this book on Amazon

Download Brochure

pdficon.gif (912 bytes) CustomerVisits.pdf

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There are no more seats available for this workshop. To be placed on the waiting list, please call 781-891-8080.