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Attend this event as part of MRT's:
NPD Best Practices VIP Series

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An important, timely 2-day conference on how to manage the risk, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of your supply chain as you design and develop new products.
Keynote Presentations
Mark C. Lorenz Mark C. Lorenz,
VP Operations & Logistics,
Delphi Automotive Systems


Mr. Lorenz will review Delphi's successful deployment of lean initiatives throughout its supply chain and its resultant impact on waste, cost and speed...more
Kurt Doelling Kurt Doelling,
VP Worldwide Operations Strategy and Priority Programs
Sun Microsystems
Mr. Doelling will outline how Sun Microsystems has rearchitected its supply chain to dramatically improve product delivery and lower the cost of doing business...more
Pre-Conference Workshops
Value Stream Mapping for the Supply Chain:
Seeing Waste and Doing Something About it

Instructor: Ed Constantine, Chairman, Simpler Consulting

...more info

Attacking Waste and Variability in the Supply Chain: Lean Six Sigma Process
Instructor: J. Cooper Crouse, Vice President, George Group

...more info

Supporting Organizations:
EDS Luncheon Breakout Session
Publication Sponsor:
Sloan Management Review

Register Now

Conference Background
Conference Agenda
Industry Case Studies
Keynote Presentations
Pre-Conference Workshops
Fees, Hotel and Travel Logistics
How to Register
Sponsorship and Exhibits
Download Brochure


Each participant
will receive:

Sloan Management ReviewComplimenatry one-year subscription to the MIT Sloan Management Review


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