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2 - D A Y  W O R K S H O P
Product Management:
Rationalizing, Roadmapping and Rejuvenating the Portfolio

October 17-18, 2005 / Boston, MA

Alternate Hotel Accommodations
...if you can't find a room at the Hyatt Regency...

An interactive, hands-on workshop focusing on how to achieve and sustain high performance product management

  • Phase out (or revitalize) old products, bring in new

  • Determine the true cost (including opportunity cost) of carrying extra products in your catalog

  • Create a smooth migration path for key customers

  • Keep pace with changes in the marketplace and technology

  • Map out plans and future changes in product families

  • Decide who "owns" product management inside your company - make sure opportunities don't slip through the cracks

Come away with an action plan for product management, your own "starter" roadmap, and a framework for rationalizing products in your company

Who Should Attend

Designed for the experienced NPD practitioner, this workshop is highly recommended for VPs, Directors and Managers of

  • Product Management

  • Product Development

  • R&D

  • Marketing

  • Process Improvement. 

In addition, the session will also be beneficial for VPs, Directors and Managers of Supply Chain, Logistics, Operations and all others that are affected by product rationalization decisions. 

Note: Because the role of product management is often shared among functions (and/or not clearly defined), this session is beneficial for managers from different disciplines to attend together.  Special attention will be focused on establishing common ground and bridging organizational gaps.

Need Assistance?

Available Mon-Fr
9:30am-5pm est

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Course Info

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Workshop Instructors:

Dan Bowman
Daniel Bowman

Principal, PRTM

Patrick Gordon
Patrick Gordon


Craig Anderson
