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Pre-conference workshops:
A. Setting Project Priorities for Effective Pipeline and Porfolio Resource Management [more]
B. Agile Pipeline/Portfolio Management: How to Create Buy-in [more]
C. Implementing the TOC Multi-Project Method [more]

At this conference,
you will receive:
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Agile, adaptive and high-speed approaches to manage risk and uncertainty
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Specific tools to enable swifter, smarter decisions and resolve conflicting requirements
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Guidance on how to achieve greater throughput - how to organize, motivate and deploy


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Sloan Management Review BONUS! Every confererence attendee will receive a complimentary one-year subscription to MIT's Sloan Management Review!

"This was by far the most content-rich conference I've attended. I am very pleased with all that I've learned and can take home with me." - Pamela Greca, Confluence Technologies

Download PPM01-cj.pptWhy you can't afford to miss this conference - Download our "Cost/Benefit Analysis" powerpoint document, a handy tool for you to help convince others of the value of this program. Includes a helpful spreadsheet tool.   [Download PPM-CJ.ppt - 173kb] new.gif (1144 bytes)

MORE with less...

Too often the expectation is that you’ll do more projects with less staff, less budget – in the same or shorter time frame. Meanwhile, the pipeline is clogged, people are burnt out, and nobody knows where to begin. Given the current economy (and cutbacks), this situation could get even worse.

But what if this phrase meant more throughput with less in the pipeline? Or more results with less rigidity? Organizations that have re-thought their pipeline, portfolio and project management systems are, in fact, seeing dramatic improvements in the bottom line. By reducing the number of projects, using agile approaches, and effectively sharing resources across teams, they are able to achieve remarkable growth without increasing costs. Morale is high.

How did they do it? How can you?...more

PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Agenda
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Workshops
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Keynotes
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Case Studies
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Fees, Hotel & Travel
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Key Benefits
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) Sponsorship
PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) How to Register

Who Should Attend: This conference is highly recommended for VPs, Directors and Managers of Product Development, Engineering, R&D and Technology Development. Program Managers, Project Leaders, Team Leaders and anyone with responsibility for portfolio management, cross-functional development and/or business process improvement.

Featuring keynote presentations by:

Michael Cusumano Michael Cusumano PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) renowned MIT/Sloan professor and leading strategy/technology advisor, author/co-author of Microsoft Secrets, Competing on Internet Time, Thinking Beyond Lean: How Multi-Project Management is Transforming Product Development at Toyota and Other Companies, and more) [Presentation Abstract]
Jim Highsmith Jim Highsmith PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) acclaimed author and director of Cutter Consortium’s e-Project Management Practice [Presentation Abstract]
Dr. Scott Edgett Dr. Scott J. Edgett PPMbullet.GIF (106 bytes) internationally recognized expert in the field of new product development and portfolio management [Presentation Abstract]

Case Studies from leading companies:

"Real Benefits in Only 60 Days: A Non-Threatening, Incremental Approach to Critical Chain Project Management Implementation"
"Integrating Process Management with Program Management: How to Achieve Cross-Functional, Concurrent Product Development"


Supporting Organizations:
Speed to Market Sopheon Project Management Institute - New Product Development Special Interest Group
Sloan Management Review    IPS


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