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Balancing Multiple Projects with Limited Resources

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Case Study Presentations

"Information received in just one session was worth the cost of the entire conference." - Roland Bouchard, Director, Product Development, Smiths Industries

Agile Pipeline and
Portfolio Management Approaches

Balancing Strategies
for Program Management
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Curt Raschke, Texas Instruments, Inc. &
Gregory Githens, Catalyst Management Consulting

This case study will discuss a program management tool kit that can handle a number of seemingly conflicting requirements:

-flexibility (since each project outcome by definition is new and uncertain) and project predictability (to achieve portfolio financial goals).

-centralization and standardization of tools and methods (for efficiency) versus decentralization (for flexibility and responsiveness in the pipeline).

Curt and Greg will describe how distributed program management helped achieve measurable improvements in NPD efficiency. They will also introduce a simple tool, polarity mapping, to help reconcile the balancing decisions that organizations must make.

Implementing constraint-based
program and resource
management at LSI Logic
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Linda Blauner,
Director of Program Management
(ASIC technology)

Linda will share her experience of implementing constraint-based program and resource management in LSI Logic's ASIC Technology Division. This division is responsible for development of the LSI Logic's libraries, design tools, and methodologies. Linda will discuss how applying constraint-based program and resource management has helped LSI Logic address the problems in multi-project environments. She will discuss the steps taken, the challenges, and the lessons learned.

Resource Management and Allocation

Telecommunications Service
Development Pipeline Management –
"Just Say No"!
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Paul Sapenaro,
Vice-President of Sprint NCO Product Management, Product Development and Broadband Operations

Paul Sapenaro will describe how NCO learned to get a handle on the resources involved in product and system development, make difficult tradeoffs to balance the pipeline, and just say "no" to development projects. He will also discuss how putting fewer projects into the pipeline resulted in more projects getting to market, the role of portfolio management in pipeline decisions, and how Sprint NCO will apply these concepts to the next frontier: cross-divisional development.

An Integrated Approach to
Pipeline Management: Linking
People, Processes and Data
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Mark Kleinle, Director of New Product Development, Shure, Inc.

As a mid-sized company with more opportunities than resources, Shure recognized that true pipeline optimization requires an integration of people, processes, and data. Mark will discuss how Shure overcame the challenges of implementing an integrated system. He will review how Shure institutionalized a common planning language and Shure's approach to increasing the accuracy and visibility of its portfolio and resource data. Mark will also discuss how culture, organization structure, and access to data all impact a company's ability to maintain a balanced portfolio.

Anticipating Change:
Optimizing Resources
at Cisco
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Bob Frazier,
Customer Solutions Senior Manager,
Internet Business Solutions Group
Cisco Systems

This case study looks at how Cisco manages the portfolio process that includes a focus on the customer and continued awareness of technology advancements in the market. Find out how Cisco teams anticipate market needs and continuously changing customer requirements. Also learn how Cisco uses the Internet, both internally and with business partners, to create efficiencies in resource management, enhance project teams, and optimize the closed loop new product introduction processes.

Platforms, People and Information Flow

Optimizing a Portfolio
Across an F2B Product
Development Architecture
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Noo Mangat, Manager, Technology and Development Processes, Hercules Corporation &
Paul O'Connor, Managing Director, The Adept Group

Many organizations focus on optimizing the mix of projects in their stage-gate process and on allocating resources across these projects (pipeline optimization). But expertly prioritizing and managing only those projects in the stage-gate process is not sufficient to optimizing the speed, scale and strategic impact of NPD. A front-to-back (F2B) product development architecture recognizes that what’s in the "front-end" and what’s in the "back-end" or market has enormous influence over portfolio performance.

In this case study, Dr. Mangat and Mr. O’Connor will cover:

  • Specific portfolio objects needed to drive a F2B architecture
  • Key knowledge components that support F2B architecture
  • Why product innovation charters are more important than product development projects
  • Integrating predictive metrics into a full F2B portfolio
  • IT support to speed and facilitate the use of portfolio objects
  • Designing and implementing a full F2B portfolio approach.

Implementing Lean
Project Management
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Chris Couch, Manager, Toyota North America

This case study will look at how the principles of lean thinking (i.e., focus on value, reduce waste) guide the management of multiple product development projects. Learn how these concepts are being applied — find out how they are working and what is necessary to successfully suppor them.

Supporting Organizations:
Speed to Market Sopheon Project Management Institute - New Product Development Special Interest Group
Sloan Management Review    IPS

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