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Balancing Multiple Projects with Limited Resources

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Luncheon Breakout Sessions

Tuesday, September 25
12:15pm - 1:45pm

The purpose of the breakout luncheon is to provide you with information about a specific approach or solution and to give you the opportunity to ask questions in an informal setting. It is also a chance for you to meet with others who have similar interests.

New Product Development

Accelerating NPD Decision-Making
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Charles "Chad" Weinstein
Director, Knowledge Management Services
Sopheon Corporation

Research indicates that nearly half of new product development (NPD) efforts fail. This presentation explores how a growing number of companies are beating these odds by deploying proven information management technologies and techniques and improved market, competitive and technology research in novel ways. These NPD organizations are becoming "knowledge-centric," demonstrating:

  • Improved ideation and innovation
  • Better-informed strategic decision-making, selecting winning projects, etc.
  • Coordinated and informed project teams
  • Collaborative work processes within and among project teams
  • Learning that is shared among projects and captured for future re-use.

This presentation will focus on an evolutionary process for developing these features, using examples from research and client engagements.

Speed to MarketMake profits, not processes:
Using constraint-anchored
throughput management
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Sanjeev Gupta
Speed to Market

Do you want nicely documented processes in an ivory tower? Or do you want economic benefits? One does not necessarily lead to another. In fact, more than 90% of all business process reengineering efforts fail to deliver bottom line results.

This session will present a powerful approach successfully used by companies like LSI Logic, Lucent, Medtronic, Phillips and Seagate to:

- Identify NPD constraints

- Optimize processes to get the most from these constraints

- Develop strategies to remove the constraints

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Paul Webb

It is well understood that companies need to improve the way they deliver new products to remain competitive, but are you skeptical about investing big dollars on consultants, cross-functional teams, knowledge management systems and documentation that will only sit on the shelf? Are you confident that these efforts will fundamentally change the way new products are created?

Pipeline/Portfolio Management is not a fad, and there are practical ways to apply these ideas that will definitely affect the bottom line. Come join us for an open discussion of how to move beyond theory to successfully implement a Pipeline/Portfolio Management process to improve the way your company manages and delivers new products to market.

Supporting Organizations:
Speed to Market Sopheon Project Management Institute - New Product Development Special Interest Group
Sloan Management Review    IPS

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