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F I R S T  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  C O N F E R E N C E
NPD Project Innovation 03
October 20-22, 2003 / Fort Worth, TX

Cutting-edge techniques to tackle the chaos, risk, and complexity of NPD projects and generate new revenue and growth

PMI - NPD SIGPresented by Management Roundtable
with support from
the Project Management Institute NPD SIG

Tuesday, October 21
Roundtable Discussions /
Best Practice Exchange:

How are other practitioners implementing and leveraging methods such lean, agility, critical chain, and phase-gate? What are they doing to build momentum and increase organizational competency? How are they customizing, adapting and/or combining processes to stay ahead of the curve? The Roundtable session is intended as a best-practice exchange among peers, facilitated by an expert who can offer input and answer specific questions. It is not a lecture or workshop, so be prepared to bring questions and ideas to share -- a great way to meet others with interests similar to your own.

All levels of experience welcome. Choose the area of most importance to you:

Lean NPD/Toyota’s principles – How do you capture and reuse subsystem knowledge as opposed to procedural based processes for top-down system development? How does this differ from a business process approach to development? What should you do about the change issues and sacred cows you’ll likely encounter?

Agility –  How do you move from structure and control to flexibility? What techniques (such as Rolling Wave, prototyping, rapid experimentation, etc.) are effective in what situations? How do you get people to shift their thinking, break their habits? How do you establish teams? How do you reward? How do you encourage "fast failure"?

Phase Gate – Though a proven and widely implemented process, controversies arise about how to gain the benefits of gate reviews without being slowed down by them. Topics might include 'right sizing' the gate reviews and clarifying the role(s) of functional organizations around technical reviews; comparison of tools such as PACE™, stage-gate™, etc., and more.

Critical Chain –  The paybacks of using CCPM in a multi-project environment are known to be quick and significant; even so, cultural issues often get in the way. How do you get the most impact and organizational buy-in? Are there tools and approaches that make adoption easier? What other "insider" tips can you use to optimize resources and overcome constraints?

Wednesday Morning, Oct 22
Breakfast Roundtables
These sessions are similar to the Tuesday afternoon Roundtable Discussions – interactive, peer-based, and expertly facilitated. The difference is these will be on different aspects of implementation and management, regardless of the methodology (six sigma, lean, etc) in use. Topics include

  • Managing Risk at the Front-End
  • Getting New Initiatives Up & Running Fast
  • Project Recovery
  • Using Metrics Effectively, and
  • Creating Fast, Committed Teams

The experts leading these discussions are:

  • Bill Duncan, principal of Project Management Partners and primary author of the 1994 and 1996 versions of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®)
  • Cinda Voegtli, president, and past president of the IEEE Engineering Management Society
  • Hans Thamhain, Professor of Management, Project Management & MOT Programs, Bentley College
  • Adam Josephs, Partner, Celerity Consulting Group LLC
  • Wayne Mackey, Principal, Product Development Consulting, Inc.

– each of whom has extensive PM and NPD knowledge and experience, and can tailor the discussions based on your input.

The objectives of these sessions are, again, to introduce you to colleagues wrestling with similar issues and to get you some practical, applicable answers to your specific questions.

NOTE: Each roundtable is limited in size, first-come, first-served. (Registrants will be sent a sign-up sheet in advance).