Pre-Conference Workshop
Workshop A - 8:30am-12:00pm (morning half day)
A Practical Guide
Achieving Metrics Buy-In
Instructor: Wayne Mackey, Principal, Product Development Consulting,
The best metrics won’t help you or
your company unless you can get both management and working levels
involved and paying attention to them. This workshop will demonstrate a
practical approach to achieve the three key enablers of metrics buy-in:
1. Alignment
2. Ownership
3. Simplicity
Alignment to business strategies and upper level
goals are critical to getting management buy-in. "Metrics trees" will be
demonstrated starting with management imperatives passed down through
levels and across functions. Ownership at the working level is achieved
when the responsible individual or organization generates the metrics
themselves with a simple repeatable process based on clear goals. "It’s
my metric" always works better than those dictated by people further
from the actual work. Simplicity is demonstrated through a systematic
search for the critical few metrics followed by a process for complexity
reduction. Feasibility and effectiveness screening are demonstrated
using real case study examples.
- Metrics tree tool to achieve buy-in
- Metrics generation checklist for
- Critical few criteria to reduce the
number of metrics
- Feasibility & effectiveness approach
to reduce metrics complexity