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Summit Objectives

By participating in the summit, you will learn

  • How to identify potential implementation barriers, estimate the value of successful implementation an create action plans and new approaches to move forward with lean initiatives

  • How to effectively manage large queues in product development – learn how to identify queues, communicate the problem to others, justify the need for interventions to reduce queues and execute these interventions

  • How to create a cost of delay process – how to encourage adoption of the process and manage ongoing maintenance

  • What types of decisions can be made with cost of delay tools and the resultant impact on speed, cost and productivity

  • How lean software development and lean product development compare and contrast -- how to apply key lessons learned

  • About the impact of decentralized control in environments of high uncertainty and variability – understand how decentralization can change common management practices, and how to respond

  • About methods used to align the deployment of lean practices and activities with organizational strategy and objectives

  • Key steps for introducing lean approaches into the organization, managing lean practices through portfolio planning and integrating them with on-going R&D operations

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Summit Info

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Strictly limited to 75 participants
Please read our section on "Who Should Attend"

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