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Customer Connected Product Definition

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    (606kb, Acrobat .pdf)


Can't attend?

Consider bringing our onsite workshop, "Market Driven Product Definition" to your company.  This highly practical seminar is convenient and cost-effective for a group of 8 or more participants.  Click the workshop title above for details.

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...a word from the conference producer

Dear Colleague:

If you work in a high-tech, information, or service based industry, you’re well aware that emerging technologies and new delivery systems are enabling you to provide your customers with effective products, services, and solutions faster than ever before. The flip side is that the same vehicles are also paving the way for unlikely competitors to rear their ugly heads—and lure your customers away.

The fact is, as a player in a field of spontaneously combusting technology and information, you need to know what your customers need before they know it...and you must be agile, flexible, and fast enough to harness the rapidly changing technology that will enable you to respond to customer demands before your competitors beat you to the punch.

By attending Customer Connected Product Definition, you’ll learn the essential criteria for building a truly cross-functional, collaborative product development environment...gain a solid grasp of the most effective tools available to gather customer needs and translate them into product requirements...and develop the good judgment to balance trade-offs between speed to market and product perfection.

To guarantee a stimulating environment in which to network, and to ensure special attention to your information needs, we’ve strictly limited conference attendance to 125 people. Don’t be left 1-800-338-2223 NOW to reserve your place at Customer Connected Product Definition.


graceann.tif (90210 bytes) 
Graceanne Gatz
Conference Program Manager

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