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Product Development and the Supply Chain


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Suppliers as Development Partners:
Opportunity or Obstacle?

If your organization is like most, you’ve become more dependent than ever on suppliers and/or partners. Unfortunately, most supply chains are broken. Technology changes too fast, products are overly complex, demand is uncertain, costs are increasing, trust is low, and bidding wars no longer work.

What’s required is a new strategy and collaboration that begins at the beginning – the front-end of the design process – not downstream in manufacturing or logistics when it may be too late.

To help you determine who to work with -- and how -- Management Roundtable invites you to join key industry leaders and experts in a groundbreaking forum, Product Development and the Supply Chain: Better Flow from Design to Customer, on September 13-15, 1999 in Austin, Texas. The focus of this conference is on integrating product development with the supply chain to achieve greater flexibility, profit margins, speed, and customer satisfaction.

The intent is to create a dialogue among all parties involved in the chain: customers, first tier suppliers, second tier suppliers and so on, as well as engineering, marketing, manufacturing, purchasing, and other members of the development team. Strategy, technology, design, and collaboration are the major themes to be explored. In a mix of sessions -- some instructive, some provocative and some conversational – new ideas and relationships will be fostered.

Click here to download the conference brochure with full program details (132kb - Acrobat .pdf).

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