The Drake Hotel,
140 East Walton Place, Chicago, Illinois 60611
Please call the
hotel directly for room reservations and mention Management
Roundtable to receive the preferred rate (on space-available basis
until 3/10/2000).
Skyline Travel
is the official travel agency of Management Roundtable. To
take advantage of discounted reservations, please call (800)
255-3330 and be sure to mention Management Roundtable. |
The 2-day summit registration fee is $1600 per person.
Teams of three or more may deduct $100 each. Fee includes all
conference materials, continental breakfasts, lunches, refreshments,
and Networking Dinner.
The post-conference workshop
fee is $900 for summit participants or $1400 as a standalone session
(attendance limited). |
The summit will be held on April 4-5, 2000. Registration
begins at 7am, concurrent with continental breakfast. The summit
concludes at 3 pm on April 5.
The post-conference workshop will be held on April 6-7, 2000.
It begins at 8 am on April 6 and concludes at 2:30 pm on April 7.
Please note that this summit is attendance-limited and will not be
held at any other time during the 2000 calendar year. Early
registration is advised. In-house sessions may be arranged by
request. |