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Opportunity Discovery at the Front End of Innovation—
Five Keys to “White Space” Identification

Live Audio-Session featuring
Geoff Waite [BIO]
Vice President
Sagentia, Inc.
Simon Karger [BIO]
Director of Innovation &
Technology Management
Sagentia, Inc.

The much talked about “Front End of Innovation” is the process of generating valuable concepts to take through the gates of downstream development -- whether products, services, or business models. As firms start to codify the Front End, it has become increasingly clear that Opportunity Discovery, i.e. finding the “white space,” is vital to a successful, repeatable process and continuous innovation.

Management Roundtable’s exclusive new audio-session, Opportunity Discovery at the Front End of Innovation – Five Keys to “White Space” Identification, led by innovation experts Geoff Waite and Simon Karger on June 18, 2008, will focus on how to establish an effective Opportunity Discovery process.

Geoff and Simon will outline the following five fundamental areas to explore for potential opportunities, providing tools and examples, with the biggest emphasis on market opportunity:

1. unmet   needs voice of the customer, lead user analysis, day in the life
2. futures trend analysis, scenario planning, technology roadmapping
3. market bases of competition, adjacencies, re-segmentation
4. business value chain disruption & exploitation, key success factors
5. brand design led brand

By participating you will learn:

  • How to channel creative energies where real value exists -- to identify, quantify and validate opportunities

  • To increase the likelihood of true breakthroughs while reducing the number of great ideas that go nowhere.

  • To ensure market success and maximum ROI

This session is recommended for those involved in

  1. new business creation;

  2. strategy;

  3. Marketing;

  4. R&D and NPD; and

  5. Innovation.

It is especially valuable for R&D and Marketing to listen together.

Invite your whole team to join you - the fee is the same as long as you are on one line, just put it on speakerphone!

Can't make the time and date of the call? Join FastTrack and receive the transcript and download the mp3 of this and other audio sessions.

About the Session Leaders

Geoff Waite
Vice President
Sagentia, Inc.

Geoff Waite has been active in R&D for over 20 years, latterly as Vice President of Sagentia Inc, focusing on the “art and science” of innovation and opportunity discovery. Sagentia is a full service Innovation and Technology company with product development labs and offices in the U.S., Europe and China. Sagentia both “does” R&D and Innovation and “teaches” it to their clients. Geoff has also worked for start-ups, university R&D for industry, and various other R&D consulting companies. He is an active member of the PDMA, delivering papers at their Front End of Innovation conferences.

Simon Karger [BIO]
Director of Innovation &
Technology Management
Sagentia, Inc.

Simon Karger is Director of Innovation & Technology Management, USA. Simon has been consulting at the intersection of business and technology for over 7 years. During this time he has worked at senior levels with client businesses across sectors and geographies. Now based in Boston, Simon focuses largely on helping clients innovate and building their innovation capabilities to successfully focus on the best opportunities for new products, services and / or business models.

Session Details

This AudioSession is not currently scheduled. If you would like us to offer a repeat session in the future, please fill out our Topic Request Form

June 18, 2008

1:00pm - 2:30pm ET

Your office


Unlimited attendance per phone connection


How To Register:

Online: Online Registration Form
By phone: Call 1-800-338-2223 or 781-891-8080
(9:00am-5:30pm EST)

You will receive:

1. E-mail confirmation of your registration and dial-in instructions
2. powerpoint_icon.gif (342 bytes)Softcopy of presentation slides emailed  to your office prior to session
3. Your questions answered by an expert - both during the session (live) and after (by email)