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The Lean Product Development Revolution

Live Audio Session featuring
Don Reinertsen [BIO]

Reinertsen & Associates
Author of Managing the Design Factory

Do you really understand Lean Product Development? If you do not, you may be missing the biggest shift that is currently taking place in product development. Lean Product Development challenges many of the broadly accepted premises behind today's development processes.

For the first time, Don Reinertsen, author of "Managing the Design Factory", and leading authority on Lean Product Development, is leading an audio session to discuss the exciting new ideas in this field.

In this session he will explain:

  • How sequential phase-gate processes violate lean principles

  • Why cycle time is a less effective metric than queue size

  • Why eliminating variability may be a big mistake

  • How detailed long-term planning undermines flow

  • How queues decrease quality, speed, and efficiency

  • Why focusing on conformance leads to bad economic choices

This is a rare opportunity to learn powerful new approaches for applying lean methods in product development. Don, who is instructor for our acclaimed course, Achieving Lean Product Development, brings an unusual practical perspective to this field.

The session is 90 minutes with frequent opportunities for questions & answers.

Invite your whole team to join you - the fee is the same as long as you are on one line, just put it on speakerphone!

About the Session Leader

Don Reinertsen

Reinertsen & Associates

Don Reinertsen is President of Reinertsen & Associates, specializing in the management of the product development process. Before forming his own firm, he consulted at McKinsey & Co., an international management consulting firm, and was Senior Vice President of operations at Zimmerman Holdings, a private diversified manufacturing company. His contributions in the field of product development have been recognized internationally. He is particularly noted for bringing fresh perspectives and quantitative rigor to development process management.

In 1983, while a consultant at McKinsey & Co., he wrote a landmark article in Electronic Business magazine that first quantified the value of development speed. This article has been cited in the frequently quoted McKinsey study that indicated “6 months delay can be worth 33 percent of lifecycle profits.” He coined the term “Fuzzy Front End” in 1983 and began applying world class manufacturing techniques in product development in 1985. His latest book, Managing the Design Factory, is recognized as a powerful and thoughtful application of manufacturing thinking to product development. Don is also co-author of, Developing Products in Half the Time. Mr. Reinertsen holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University and an M.B.A. with distinction from Harvard Business School.

Session Details

Attn AudioSession Participants:
Dial-in instructions and accompanying materials were sent to confirmed registrants via email. If you did not receive this information, please call 1-800-338-2223

August 16, 2007

1:00pm - 2:30pm ET

Your office


Unlimited attendance per phone connection

Register Online

N.B. If you are registering on the same day of the call, please call 1-800-338-2223 or 781-891-8080

How To Register:

Online: Online Registration Form
By phone: Call 1-800-338-2223 or 781-891-8080
(9:00am-5:30pm EST)

You will receive:

1. E-mail confirmation of your registration and dial-in instructions
2. Softcopy of presentation slides emailed  to your office prior to session
3. Your questions answered by an expert - both during the session (live) and after (by email)