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The Customer Value Portfolio
Predicting the Blockbusters:
How to Measure Customer Value

Wayne Mackey Live Audio-Session with
Wayne Mackey
Product Development Consulting, Inc.

If you had to bet your salary three years from now on the success and accuracy of your portfolio decisions today, which products would you choose? Those based on today's financial projections or those using today's highest customer value?

Blockbuster products like iPods and Swiffer Dusters are rarely found at the end of some rosy hockey-stick NPV estimate. Instead they lie squarely at the intersection of high customer value, tight business strategy alignment and lowest cost to develop.

Every company is looking for the best portfolio of products to invest their limited human and capital resources in; so why are companies frustrated over and over again by under-forecast sales, lower than expected margins and outright failures of new products?

Because there's just no way to accurately project the sales potential of any development before it's even begun. Hence a shift is quietly underway at leading companies to focus their portfolios on customer value rather than net present value. Why? Because customer value can be objectively and quantitatively measured, and systems of various pedigrees are already in place to do that at most companies.

This audio conference will contrast old financial projection-based approaches to the emerging best practices in customer value-based portfolio management. Session leader Wayne Mackey, one of the foremost experts in market-driven product definition and quantitative methods, will also outline ways to make this shift in your company.

By participating in this 90-minute session, you will learn:

  • How to measure customer value accurately

  • A quantitative view of strategic alignment

  • Estimating the costs to develop a new product, both inside and outside of your company

  • How to integrate financial projections later with customer value measurements to gauge the likelihood of product success

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to bring your own experiences (and questions) into the discussion and receive expert feedback. The session will be a 60-minute presentation with 30 minutes interactive Q&A.

Invite your whole team to join you - the fee is the same as long as it's on one phone line, just put it on speakerphone!

About the Session Leader

Wayne Mackey
Principal Consultant
Product Development Consulting, Inc.
[email protected]

Wayne Mackey's expertise is grounded in over 20 years of hands-on management of large engineering, manufacturing and procurement organizations. Through his collaborative partnerships with clients he has brought measurable and long-lasting improvements including the reduction of development expense and product unit cost by 35% and cycle time by 20% for one Fortune 100 company.

As a principal with PDC, based in the Manhattan Beach, CA, office, Wayne works with companies that want to achieve rapid, measurable improvement in their product development processes, including supply chain optimization, metrics implementation, voice-of-the-customer analysis, benchmark analysis and business strategy deployment.

Through his collaborative partnerships with clients he has brought measurable and long-lasting improvements including the reduction of development expense and product unit cost by 35% and cycle time by 20% for one Fortune 100 company. He led the implementation of nine key supplier development processes across a $662 million supply base for another client. This resulted in cutting material costs by 41% while simultaneously improving quality and cycle time.

Wayne has been an invited chairman at many conferences and is a well-known industry speaker. His talks include keynote addresses on Rapid Organizational Change, Performance Improvement and Metrics and Supply Chain Management. Wayne is an advisor on the board of The Management Roundtable and has been published numerous times in a variety of industry publications.

Wayne has a master of science degree in engineering from Loyola Marymount University and a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering and economics from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a senior member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a member of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the IEEE Engineering Management Society, the Society of Concurrent Engineering (SOCE), and the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA).

Session Details

This AudioSession is not currently scheduled. If you would like us to offer a repeat session in the future, please fill out our Topic Request Form

July 13, 2005

1:00pm - 2:30pm ET

Your office


Unlimited attendance per phone connection

How To Register:

Online: Online Registration Form
By phone: Call 1-800-338-2223 or 781-891-8080
(9:00am-5:30pm EST)

You will receive:

1. E-mail confirmation of your registration and dial-in instructions
2. powerpoint_icon.gif (342 bytes)Softcopy of presentation slides emailed  to your office prior to session
3. Your questions answered by an expert - both during the session (live) and after (by email)